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Everything posted by Johan45

  1. Just wondered if someone could have a look at this. Here's my sub http://hwbot.org/submission/3301897_johan45_unigine_heaven___xtreme_preset_radeon_hd_6950_1152.17_dx11_marks?recalculate=true Tried from OC sports and HWBot but keeps telling me it's not terrascale2 but I see other 6950's in the mix
  2. Thanks Newlife finally spent some time on this CPU. Didn't know that about the chilled water TBH. Gonna try freezing this thing on the weekend hopefully goes better than last time.
  3. Sign me up Stefan. I'm making the trek for sure.
  4. Good job Marc, wish I could have been there. I would like to think it would make things more interesting.
  5. Not the first time for me and likely not the last. I'm going to try another XTU tonight so we'll see if I can get the submission tab here to work.
  6. TThanks for getting the submission into the comp for me though . I appreciate it.
  7. I'm pretty sure I understand. From HWBot XTU doesn't give the option to attach a SS. I also tried submission from the competition page multiple times. I tried from work on two different browsers in Win7. I also tried from home with two different PCs one win7 the other Win8.1 and all of them give me the same problem. The submission page just won't open. I have always had problems with OCeSports submissions so I would submit from HWBot and link it to the comp. Works for most but XTU it would not. If XTU at HWBot had option to attach a SS then I would have been OK I think.
  8. In IE it just doesn't load and I get an oops. In Chrome it says IE is outdated but this machine is using IE11
  9. Yes i PUT THE ss UNDER SYSTEM PIC AS THERE IS NO OPTION FOR ss IN xtu SUB. Damn caps lock. The eOC subs were all from the submit button aty the bottom. I can't get the first page to load to even enter any info.
  10. Could I get someone to add my sub http://hwbot.org/submission/3165753_ to Div I XTU. The HWBot page doesn't recognize my SS and the submission from OCesports just won't work. The page won't load for me I have tried multiple browsers and 3 different PCs, 1 at work and 2 at home ???
  11. Johan45

    Wrong league

    I have a member who mistakenly entered a submission as DICE and is now in Extreme league. Could I get a Mod to please revert him back to rookie. Please and thanks http://hwbot.org/user/unsafesteagle/
  12. Yep it does go higher I was fighting with it all day till I realized it needs a BIOs update
  13. Thanks Websmile, Correct files and BIOS AFIK came from massmans list for the Hero. Have tried different USB slots and booted in normal. Scratching my head right now. I'm going to put a different image on the USB and give it another go. EDIT: Must have been a bad image? It's working now thanks
  14. Hoping for a bit of insight. I've tried many times now and when it's trying to copy the drivers I selected to insert from USB I keep getting an error saying it can not copy them. Any ideas?
  15. Thanks Scotty for the clarification on the "rules"
  16. I see what we have to do next year then.
  17. Makes it pretty hard to tell if it was actually three different people or just one person sharing results. So I could just go get my neighbour as long as he has his own card he can plop it into my system and run the benchmark, submit it and it's legal?
  18. I can understand helping someone out like lending the GFX card but those are all on the same system the only difference is the card. That's way too much IMO
  19. Well it looks to me like someone had a sleep over last night. Hell even the screen shots were done on the same OS it's so obvious.
  20. Not to sound like a sore loser but it looks to me like a few of those subs came from the same HW. The pics are nearly identical. I didn't think we were supposed to share HW/ subs on that kind of scale
  21. Is this still available and are you negotiable since it's an as is no warranty sale
  22. I agree 100%, even if you run the betas there should be some rules posted for them or they shouldn't be posted in the first place. Take X265 for example no rules but it's obvious that Win10 is OK because it makes you set the clock in registry. But who knows for sure. ??? HWBot really needs to accept some responsibility. It's things like this that causes a lot of the " mods do what they want" talk amongst benchers.
  23. I gues I misunderstood. I thought it would be top 20 per bench/HW so the top 20 scores on my team from members who ran 6700k and the average of those 20 scores. Then top 20 for 4790k etc..
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