Good Day Mods , Please can someone help me understand why its my score blocked ? If so i would like an explanation why this score its block as this score is totally legit run , when i was taking screenshoot with paint the system Frozed , i reboot with same settings and took a screenie of the AM3 run folder wich its much more information than the normal score screenie , run totally legit and i lost that OS so hard to get that AM3 file , consider and compare with my previous score and i ask for this score to be reinstated as all the information its there needed for ranking , please bare in mind all the hard work to get that score . Any help and guidance will be trully appreciated. Kind Regards: Angelo.
Thank you in advanced.
** I have recover that AM3 run whole file from the OS that it was run , Mods please PM me to send you the AM3 complete Legit run file for you to inspect**