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Everything posted by saltycroissant

  1. There's a far more simple solution.... just remove the 4090 from hwbot ?
  2. I don't think that having a card that require you to run a benchmark 30 time to get the best bugged score with that 10% boost is really Normal Operation. I fail to see how this is user friendly..... you'll have new ppl running their card, who won't be able to reach the score others have with the same clocks. Then when they ask why......just bug the memory and run that thing 30 times And for the 1%..... we'll thats just Splave being old and not looking on hwbot discord, this same issue was talked about the same week the 4090 was released and ppl where already asking to impose ECC to everyone. This is just ..... good/bad timing that he made the post close to when UL released their new system info with a fix.
  3. Id say the most annoying thing was asking UL to delete the 10+ backup bugged score that ppl would have, because after subbing 1 bugged score and having it removed they'll still post their second bugged score. Im on the side of Leeg this issue got worst and more widespread mostly because of some yOutUbEr posting bugged result on stream. Hopefully this get sorted out quickly by UL, will save me a lot of email.
  4. Really again? Pls tune down the memory to 1475 and post the result, you'll see how bugged this score is.
  5. This score will more then likely get invalidated by UL, do not sub bugged rendering score.
  6. Im sorry but this isnt crossfire. Its just 2 6900xt on a platform, and only 1 card running the benchmark.
  7. can't wait to see what this card can really do!
  8. Happy reading https://hwbot.org/rules?referenceId=5179 Screenshot is missing everything
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