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Everything posted by saltycroissant

  1. I understand that its a nightmare to moderate. And no video proofind isn't the solution, i do agree with Splave on that. I was really thinking that this wouldn't create such drama because if you have benched those card in question its pretty clear if someone cheated or not ( because lets be honest disabling GPU is cheating its not a tweak im sure 99% of ppl would agree). I also understand that its a difficult decision and not a funny 1 to take for you and Der8auer. For 01se if you want to have it 100% safe and clean you can only keep the x1 categorie. With dual gpu you could still disable 1 gpu on it and sub as x2.
  2. Might be a ez solution but it would also punish everyone that behaved well because of 1 person
  3. Imo disabling gpu is cheating even if other ppl did it. When hawaii became the go to for x3/x4 everyone had similar scaling for cpu clock/gpu clock , there's even some score out there of ppl who didn't use the right driver setting, the score difference is massive. But the solution is not to think that everyone cheated so you should do it too. In fact props to that guy for subbing much lower score being legit and not cheating.
  4. I think most of the issue comes from AMD gpu driver needing some tweaks to perform correctly and if you don't know exactly how the other score will look like they are all cheating. Im going to be very clear. This thread was probably made because of a single person who ran 3D01se on a single GPU and subbed in x3/x4 categorie thinking other ppl cheated. Like team OGS pointed out this is very ez to spot if the entire run was run on a single gpu due to the Nature score being so low. Personnally, i reported the x3 score the day it was posted because the DragoL was outside the possible effi range for the clocks and amount of gpu supposedly used, in fact its so high that it also beat all the x2 sub on win7. Id be really sad to lose 3D01se because its a great benchmark in my opinion and that it require quite a lot of work. Pls don't remove this because of 1 person. This thread is a little late sadly because all of this could have been avoided by asking said person to run 3D03 x3 or x4 and it would have been obvious to everyone, but now is too late.
  5. Thx, yeah had to do those mods especially on the second card.... would top out at 1175mhz before on DICE.
  6. Well you changed the resolution.... should be 1280x1024. This tweak is not allowed sry.
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