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Everything posted by K404

  1. Should they be allowed? The scores are "valid," but the competition isnt.
  2. http://service.futuremark.com/compare?3dm06=564170 for submission: http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=605603 Thanks for the details Maxi.. il try and get screenies from now on for 3DM too
  3. Hi. One of my results came up with the above warning. I republished the ORB entry and edited the score with the new URL. Will it be picked up automatically in due time and considered a full HWB entry? Also- for general knowledge- for anyone using the basic versions of 3DM/PCM, if we change hardware and submit a new result, will we lose the points for the old ones because we can only have 1 verified result at a time? Cheers!
  4. Thankee kind sir
  5. We need screenies as well as compareURLs for 3DM results? I have a compare URL but no screeny and it wont let me upload. please can this be made optional? If I submit the result on the forum with just a compareURL it wouldnt matter..
  6. bump. Sorry, but those arent WR results.
  7. OutOfSpecs.Gr and their PCM05 leaderboard has got me wondering. Sure, they could have gone out and bought a load of I-RAM gear, but for no other team to be solid with I-RAM looks a bit odd.... http://www.outofspecs.gr/forum/showthread.php?t=129
  8. Im think about trying to unite some UK (or primarily UK) based forums. My hope is to leave each forum intact, but HWBot submissions all work together and are named under a 3rd party site, set up solely for bench submission. A user could submit scores either on the member site or the focussed site. 1st question: is this possible, without creating a crapload of extra work for you guys? There would (hopefully) be extra forums getting added periodically 2nd question: would it be possible to have different units in the team, for each member forum. E.G.... the 3rd party site is currently called UKUBT. Would it be possible to have that accept scores from EP-UK, OCZF and other forums, but have scores searchable by forum? Cheers, Kenny
  9. There are a few SLI results in the single card category. The GPU clocks arent that high, and the CPUs are mid-clocked AMD, which REALLY gives it away http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=537783 http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=537792 http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=545593 I hope those compare urls are the ones ya need to check them Cheers, Kenny
  10. Some of Gradus links are for I-RAM RAID results. I didnt check all of them though. From personal experience, you only need to start looking carefully if the XP startup test scores 400+
  11. Please can you add England/Scotland/Wales/N.Ireland instead of just "United Kingdom" Defence: The member countries of the Netherlands are included Cheers! K
  12. I've wondered about that kind of idea, but I think the extra steps in calculating HWBoints would give the crew headaches :-p Unless the relevant MHz are used as a divider? I used to be 68th? ish. Now 280th odd LOL
  13. http://www.hwbot.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=108 http://www.hwbot.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=442
  14. Says its ur b-day on EP so....happy birthday! K
  15. There will be very little difference between the scores of the 2 versions, and it`ll be too easy to flash the BIOS of one with the other and pick up 2 sets of points so would it be suitable to just keep the 8800GTS as one entry? Cheers, K
  16. What about aircon cascade and Dice a fair few "air" results on XS recently just happened to have the mother of all aircon units hanging over them....
  17. @Monstru...thats part of why I thought of it...saves the argument over who deserves the points if the GPU1 comes from A, GPU2 comes from B, RAM comes from A again, mobo from C etc...an its better than everyone trying to submit the same score coz they were all part of it
  18. Hi..this kinda follows on from the thread on XS. Obviously some groups of us meet up to bench, and gear pooling happens. I guess the question of "who does the score belong to?" Would it be ok to have a team log in for team efforts e.g EP-UK have "someone" called "EP-UK bench" or similar, as an open account we can submit group results from? K
  19. Quote from the man himself: "Listen to this, I have benched through the whole night. Last night at 10 minutes to midnight, I was around 99k and I ****ing ran out of ln2. So I drove down into the city to where I keep my ln2.. while guns were going off EVERYWHERE, and I mean everywhere. They are crazy in Detroit with the guns on NY. I re-filled my 30l at 12:40am. I waited about 2hrs for it to pressurize and started benching again lol. At around 4-5am I nailed it. That's how I spent my New years" Legend.
  20. K404

    Happy Christmas!

    Happy Christmas/winter holiday of choice to everyone here, and every success for 2007 Kenny
  21. lol yea, I thought that after I posted. Ah well
  22. SLI appearing as single result: http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=506535 3Dmark 2005 - 14494 marks - ElDuderino (XtremeSystems) 11 points - [ link ] - [ compare ] Processor: Athlon 64 4400+ X2 @ 3050mhz [ compare cpu ] Videocard: GeForce 7800 GTX @ 499/690mhz [#1 single GeForce 7800 GTX in 3Dmark 2005] Very very SLI
  23. Result posted by anonymous.... Could this be....what I think it could be....? http://www.hwbot.org/hallOfFame.do?type=result&applicationId=14
  24. If opinions are mixed, then it probs aint the worlds bestestest idea Damn...I was on a roll of having good ideas recently
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