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Everything posted by K404

  1. Posting this here is semi kinda a bit relevant. http://www.tickld.com/funny/t/1190031
  2. PSUs and HDDs I try not to mess with. Everything else is fair game
  3. The what? I don't like breaking PSU warranty stickers. Plus, finding an identical switch is sometimes more difficult and/or expensive than (I think) it should be...
  4. Weekly bump
  5. Y'know.... one bit of advice i'd give for hardcore CPU binning is to buy a PSU without a rocker switch for power (e.g.... Antec Quattro) The number of power cycles will eventually break the switch. OR.... I have bad luck with PSUs
  6. Are all of those binned CPUs? How many different SKU?
  7. Best, most-accurate verification picture EVER!
  8. Bump
  9. AMD made an OC press release and got their names mixed up
  10. 4x E5200 added. All BOOT @ 360 £5 each, all 4 for £15.
  11. The reason "doesn't matter" it's been that way for years. So... someone connected can bin 100 high-end latest-gen ES for free and get a good lead when NDA lifts and we ALL know it will statistically be months before anyone WHO IS PAYING FOR IT THEMSELVES can match that amount of binning, even if the final MHz improve. The ES rule is made between ES being better and the advantage that people with access have in the months leading up to and just after launch day. We all know that people are benching Broadwell now, right? Yes, the last few years have not seen ES be better than the best retail WHAT WILL HAPPEN THE NEXT TIME ES *IS* FUNDAMENTALLY BETTER THAN RETAIL? Statistically, it is just a matter of time. Think AHEAD. We all know there will be a s***storm. I knew this debate wasn't done.
  12. Thankyou OP updated, new shipping info (and an OC disclaimer)
  13. Test method: P5E3 premium. POST to BIOS at 1.80vPLL. No stress-tests ran on these because I have hundreds here. First up: a mini-collection. 1x E2140 455FSB 1x E2160 450 1x E2180 445 1x E2200 440 SOLD 1x E2220 445 SOLD £10 delivered for the three chips Next: Some other (better) E21xx E2160: 455 & 460 FSB 460 SOLD E2180: 460, 465 and 470 470 SOLD 455: £5 460: £6 465: £7 470: £10 E8400: These were tested in a P5Q Deluxe (16-phase) Boot to windows and ran wPrime 1024 to 50% or more (because of time) (yes, both cores enabled ) Binning method: What BIOS voltage for 4.6GHz? (575x8) Board is not modded, think it droops a little under load. 10x 1.40v 4x 1.375v 10x 1.35v 0x 1.325v ALL SOLD 1.40v: £30 for 3 chips (same as blind buy on Ebay UK) 1.375v: £25 for two 1.35v: £45 for 3 chips 1.325v: £20 each. 4x E5200 added. All BOOT @ 360 £5 each, all 3 for £12. 1x SOLD, 3 left Bulk buy discounts available. ALL of these CPUs came from OEM office machines. I was the first to OC all of them. I also have a load of functional rejects.... if anyone needs chips "that just work." prefer to sell in groups of 5 or 10..... Shipping to Australia, NZ, China, Japan, Taiwan etc is too expensive (more than the cost of a CPU. A LOT more) unless someone is buying a at least 10 CPUs, then the distributed cost per CPU isn't so bad. OC disclaimer: Your mileage may vary. My boards are good but not the ZoMG best. Vanilla boards might well struggle, put it that way...
  14. This rule has been in place for years.... was it ever a problem before?
  15. Maybe I am still not understanding you Elite is a forced consequence of having access to the parts. A bencher does not need to move to Elite before they can get special hardware. Ummmm.... is that a helpful answer?
  16. That's one of the main reasons for the Elite league... a place for the people with special access to go, without the rest of the community pointing out how unfair it is for the uber connected to compete directly against those with no contacts. If you don't have the rest of the hardware necessary to compete in Elite.... you can always say "no thankyou" to hardware
  17. That's only for the individual. I still consider this scenario/problem to be more of an issue in an individual ranking, than team ranking.... I imagine this problem will never go away. There will always be people with better access and the perks that come with it....and that will always have an effect on a leaderboard. ANY leaderboard. (this is completely separate to who "deserves" to have access... I am not talking about the action, only the consequence.) (and no, I do not have any ideas for a solution. Hell.... not enough people consider it a problem in the first place)
  18. BURN!
  19. If only life were that simple!
  20. You're a **** Miss ya! You looking after yourself?
  21. Put the fuselage to one side for a bit. I've not decided what exact plane i'm building yet and there are differences that can only be made properly with the fuselage still in pieces. Plus, looking at the same thing too many times means i'll probably miss something. So..... I went back to the undercarriage bays. I'd started on the longerons and formers for the roof before I got a good picture, so that detail is wrong, but I usually make a total mess of rib detail and this time it turned out neat, so it stays Not finished yet, still to make the air bottles for the UC doors and their cradles, also add wiring and pipes (I don't think there's much) Urgh.... ref pics look so small. Sorry!
  22. That's awesome! Congrats! SOOOOOOOO close to breaking 4M 30!
  23. Category: http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/geforce_6800_256mb_ddr3/ My suspicion: He has an FX3540 and has tweaked Rivatuner or driver detection to look like a 6800 GDDR3. The spec of the two cards is "the same." Why I think that: His default clocks match a 3450, not a 6800 His BIOS version matches a 3450, not a 6800. His card shows up as nVidia reference, with BIOS version .43.05 but Dewa_OC also has a reference card and his BIOS version is .49.02. Least damning- he has also submitted scores with an FX3450 If nothing is conclusive and nothing can be done, i'll cope. I can beat his scores anyway
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