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Everything posted by K404

  1. Are scores affected by disabling system info?
  2. Progress progresses! The dark lines are "pre-shading" to add variety and semi-realistic weathering to the finish. Most of the fuselage spine has been re-done. I finally managed to get rid of the seams. That's the lighter green on. The "darker" one will need a pre-mist of black to bring out the contrast, the paint I use isn't quite dark enough. I "overshot" the demarcations by a couple of mm to make sure there's no crappy colour transitions. Thorough demarcations and a little artistic license in the shades of green are important to early Luftwaffe planes, because they were so low contrast.... some people thought they were painted black over all of the upper surfaces!
  3. Absolutely this. I remember suggesting it for 3D11.
  4. I hope that idiots don't start deleting other people's scores Regardless..... thankyou FM for the gesture!
  5. Nice gesture! Do top-20 scores still need a verified FM link? If so, can multiple benchers use these keys and link them to their account?
  6. Sure. I'll out out/ afk for most of the day, but we shall get it sorted. Now.... to get people to take interest in the next bin down....
  7. More bump
  8. I used a 7-64
  9. Whoa! I'm an entire year behind! Sorry!
  10. Oh... the video is up, I edited an earlier post A rig picture is only needed for enthusiast/rookie leagues, in order to get points... and that rule is only a year or two old. Results posted before then are exempt.
  11. E6600 & E6700, Wolfdale family.....there are easily 200 PCM04 scores with 4MB & 6MB of L2 cache. Now, in the big picture, that is not a big number, but.... PCM04 was having problems 8 years ago, before HWBot really got going. The VAST majority of CPU classes have PCM04 as a 2-point gold. That means that most people will not try very hard to solve a problem (and the people who still put the time in to problem-solving for 2-point golds always get my respect.)
  12. c0kkpit and interior is done Fuselage is now together, wings on, almost ready for paint I have learned a few things! For example.... painting moulded-on wiring looks terrible. Better to scrape it off and replace with an actual wire. Also.... I need more practice with painting canopy framing!
  13. I don't think it comes down to CPU cache- look at the number of scores submitted that go against that theory
  14. No. No. No. You are missing the point. Stability is a function of MHz Vs voltage Vs a specific piece of software. You have been overclocking long enough to know this. If MHz run fine for 9/10 pieces of software, but not "the other one," obviously there is a problem with "the other one," but it "doesn't matter." The problem has to be solved with respect and context of the software it is not working with. It cannot be assumed that because things are fine "with everything else," that it will be fine with something different. I will watch the video when mine has uploaded. My internet connection does not set the world alight EDIT:
  15. Oh... CPU speed doesn't (as far as I know) affect the stability of CPU Affinity software. It sounds like a "problem" between OS and software. CPU Affinity DOES need certain OS services running before it will work, but I can't remember which ones. As to FF being slower than IE... HWB made a blanket rule to "no changes" so it is clear and easier to understand and no-one can say "ah....but..." I will try and make a quick video to show the software working for me I am not sure what use that will be, but I guarantee that the software is nor completely broken EDIT: video uploading. The test didn't show what I wanted/expected, but it does show the software working. Please excuse my annoying-as-bunnyextraction voice
  16. Oh. I always kinda thought that R_B was an AI, not a real person
  17. Need more captions, a lot of these people I do not recognise!
  18. Which ones and how long ago? BIOS lock is not good enough in 2015, not for the amount of money "at risk." AMD know enough about the hardware mod community to not make that mistake I think
  19. I imagine that for the amount of money involved (the difference in the cost of parts) AMD will make pretty sure it's not within the hands of DIYers.
  20. Bump? Looking back at this now, it looked like the opinions were split as to what was best for the 2Win cards. EDIT: HA! I asked in 2013 too http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=66485&highlight=2Win
  21. Bump! Plenty still here
  22. If you made it use default browser, that would be a cheat. I have no idea what's going wrong. My guess is something in OS. Grammar Check does stop working properly with threads and MHz. Getting that right will be the challenge.... and when it does work, it might be fluke. So.... your problem might, technically, be the overclocking
  23. Don't see e-penis used on mobos much/ at all so that would be interesting to see
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