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Everything posted by K404

  1. I think that's a BS post and a very dumb counter-comment ....yet I can't argue with it, it DOES work both ways. It's not HWB's job to make people feel better about their work, a user has to figure it out in their own head. People who go go-carting at the weekend might take part in a weekend tournament and win out of 30 drivers and get £500... same weekend that the Monaco grand prix is on and see (whoever) win 6-figures and spray champagne. They know in advance that that's what the game is. What's the motivation for stepping up? If points are so damned important, then points are the motivator, it sure as sh** ain't gonna be money! A few of HWB's ideas recently seem to suggest that a lot of money is about to dropped into the (upper?) leaderboards and that should be the only real-world motivator and league-separator. If so, better start backing that up. If the points are the same, the money is nowhere to be seen and a silicon quirk means that aircooled can score very close to LN2...... what comes next?
  2. I don't really see why the points should be adjusted to make some people feel better about what they do. "Teach" people to focus on rankings, not points. I'd like to think that people who start to dabble in any kind of competitive OC are smart enough to see why Extreme scores get more points and rookies should look within class for a relevant point comparison. This could be a major game-changer. Needs more discussion I think If going cold hurts a users team, then that might affect another convo we're having....
  3. Well.... it depends on how the value of points are discussed and compared. I see points as a means to an end and I don't talk about the means..... In all my time as an OCer, I have NEVER explained what I do in terms of points, but I explain how points mean rankings. Example: "1200" means nothing. NOTHING. "2nd in my country" means so much more and it doesn't need further explanation. If I had 0.1836 points, but the leaderboard puts me in 3rd place, that's all that matters. To me. I know, the interpretation is a very personal thing. IMO, you almost hit the nail on the head in your post.... I would rather be 1st in my league than have a global 20th. An extension of the "problem" would be..... why be in any other league than Elite? Clue is in the name BUT.... "better to reign in hell than serve in heaven"
  4. So, psychology. ok
  5. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i've never considered "DDR3" to be a drawback How many cards will this affect? I'd like to see a bench-off between identical cards (down to PCB) with DDR3 Vs GDDR3 being the only difference.
  6. What's the actual difference? Same scores, more points? The leaderboards aren't going to change much*, but people feel better because they get more synthetic points? *assuming the benchers have benched "smart" and have paid attention to their global contribution.
  7. http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/geforce_gt_220_gddr3/ Category already exists. We're not going to add more classes to separate DDR3 and GDDR3, are we?
  8. Here's what i'm working with: http://pcper.com/images/reviews/940/01.jpg It's the single-piece heatsink that's getting hotter. Heatsinks have been cleaned and lapped. Arctic Ceramique paste.
  9. Well... package and thermal are definitely linked. I'm pretty sure the one I had running yesterday would pass 80c effortlessly under load with the shell back on Please can you post pics of what you have? I just had a quick Google hunt.... these units might have the bigger heatsinks (and thankyou for the offer!)
  10. That's right, no chicks here!
  11. I have a couple of XBox 360s here to repair for friends. One is back up and running and OOOOFT these things are hot, coupled with poor airflow. Does anyone know how much I can drop the voltage before instability would become a problem? I don't want to spend hours testing these, if I could take e.g... 0.2v off and "be done with it" .... that'd be nice! Cheers
  12. Does the forum code give the option to have all new users be invisible by default until they have e.g. 25 posts or a mod "clears" them? If the spammers can't be seen, then they aren't messing up the forum and the mods have time to deal with them at their leisure.
  13. Bump! Does no-one bench s775 any more?
  14. On that subject, something that (I think) would be interesting to see would be a baseline, OC-free score for a CPU/GPU paired with an appropriate GPU/CPU (ie... entry + entry, mid+ mid, top-end + top-end) so people can see what exact difference comes from OC + super tweaks
  15. Well, there are other variables to consider, but your Deep Freeze does seem a bit high for the MHz....
  16. Exactly.... and that's why I think Karl's scores should stay hidden. It's what he wanted and it unintentionally became a dying wish. One of his reasons was deeply personal and I 100% feel that it would be disrespectful to go against it.
  17. ....because there aren't many live events in the grand scheme of things? This is predominantly an internet-based hobby..... Also, let's be honest.... it's easier to concentrate alone.
  18. By co-incidence of CPU and board, you are testing more than one variable at a time.....
  19. Are you pushing hard, or learning about the board behaviour?
  20. The CPU strap is set during POST, so booting at 164 and OCing in windows to 175 means that the strap is definitely being pushed to its limit.... same behaviour as Asus P5B.... Boot at 395, then OC in windows... 410-415 FSB will be about all you will get because the strap needs to change. The board will obviously do 500+, but it needs the strap and sub-strap timings to be correct. Just after a strap change, efficiency will drop, but the new headroom means you will still come out better off. Basically, it's like driving a car. When you go up a gear (strap,) the revs drop (efficiency) but you can hit better speeds (literally) and the revs climb as you do. Did BIOS setting of 175 not work?
  21. Sounds like some kind of limiter at the 166FSB strap and there is either a spread in the FSB or the BIOS is incorrectly marked. Could it be a block hole? Have you tried 170-175FSB, something like that?
  22. Avoid the 1.8v sticks, those are the newer ICs. The RAM you want will be rated at 2.2v. At least.... if it's Crucial Ballistix, it will be. I don't think it's my caps new set of RAM... MHz are fine... eventually, the MHz fall away. I am only interested in max clocks on DDR2, SPi32M is IC stress for no benefit.
  23. 450 is a nice, tame card to play with too 460 Hawk, sure It has the PWM to keep up. The SOC has it's own set of challenges.
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