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Everything posted by Doug2507

  1. 6400 arriving today Goddy. Spot on buddy.
  2. B die no problem with latest bios.
  3. Too busy trying to get 5.9 on core i completely forgot to bring cache up! 5.8+ but didn't bother to screen. 5.9 or go home. next time. Not a bad effort yourself this weekend!
  4. May as well make a permanent thread incase anyone else needs to know in the future.... 480 Lightning dip switches... Can someone post what position does what? 3-4 on? And what are the PWM increments?
  5. Joking aren't you? Retail is cheaper. Any retail 6320 will do 4020 on ocf. Good luck with the sale.
  6. Lol, any retail 6320 can do 742 with OCF. why the premium?
  7. Little bit of ambient pre testing before cold. 3x sammy cards, 67/74/79 asic. All tested with GT2 Vant. Stock vGPU. Core: Mem: 67 - 1520mhz (42 deg) 2265mhz@1.78v (didn't like higher vmem. Heavy artifact on start & system lock) 74 - 1500mhz (52 deg) 2290+mhz@1.8v 79 - 1510mhz (47deg) 2310+mhz@1.8v Being a 3d on cold noob, i'm guessing the first is the one to run with....?
  8. In line after joe on 6400.
  9. Thought hardmod for pwr wasn't needed? Or you using something other than gput?
  10. Other 3 turned up today, sods law one is hynix. Other two 67/79 asic (sound familiar Rauf? ). Keen to put both on pot and see if it makes any or sod all difference!
  11. Better than not knowing what scores are legit and what scores are cheated.
  12. So this is the same way as challenger is currently scored? Sounds good. Already thought in challanger it's good how you can keep pushing your score for small point improvement even though the next guys score is too high to catch.
  13. Haha, nice! Rest of mine come today, hopefully on pot tomorrow!
  14. You're already at 1.7v for that sub. That's pretty much the limit for 5960x. Change that 390x out for a 620 gt or something and run gen 1. You won't be loading the psu past its capabilities with just a boot into win. Try running a bench that puts load and heat on the cpu, Cb15@1.65v.
  15. Thats not a psu limit, thats the limit of your chip.
  16. It's DIV 1 FFS!!!! Quit moaning!!!!! Challenger Series - ***"ROAD TO PRO"*** i.e, you need the hardware and ability to compete at this level!!!! If you've not got the above then this comp isn't for you and stop whining about it!
  17. Doug2507

    Various GPU

    Ha! Effin no chance!
  18. Doug2507

    Various GPU

  19. Doug2507

    Various GPU

    Well, I can assure you both are working 100%. If no joy send them back and I'll recheck but if working you pick up the bill for postage. I used dvi only.
  20. Not setup for FS but checked on calico, 1505+/2290+, stock core (1.212)/1.8vMem. Bit over 50deg. (stock cooler)
  21. Be interesting to see what happens on cold. Basic jist of it I've got from the net, low asic+decent air clock=win win. Mine seems mediocre on air. 1410 was a no go on 11 at stock, +50 no problem but stopped there as os needs redone. Tempted to order up a couple more for curiosity. Have to say i'm very impressed with the build quality. Solid card! You taking that card to sheff?
  22. Well, mine is 74% which from the looks of things is pretty low for a Plat. Hoping it sings on cold!
  23. Haha, do you not get them hot off the shelf? Since you've had a lot, asic make any difference on cold?
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