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Everything posted by Doug2507

  1. 4930k retail - 3331B507 - air CB11.5 x45@1.232v x46@1.296v x47@1.376v x48@1.472v Max validation - x49@1.456v http://valid.canardpc.com/kthwss
  2. Getting some nice points with those Ti's dude!
  3. What CB version are you guys using to compile the list on the front page? Just stuck my 1st chip in this evening and after OS/driver updates etc ran xtu and CB15 for an initial quick OC as i still need to get my head around asus bios and ivy! What's the deal with core temp VID by the way? 4960x retail 3326A993 XTU bench 4.5ghz@1.2v, 4.6ghz@1.2v-fail CB15 4.5ghz@1.2v, 4.6ghz@1.2v Only a quick check so i'll report back tomorrow with proper results/screens. 1st chip in and seems like it might be half decent. Edit - http://valid.canardpc.com/k7wr1t No more till i've got proper cooling sorted.
  4. As per title, looking for a 580 lightning water block. Shipping to UK.
  5. Also got a 3325A987 4960x turning up at some point. Just waiting for BE to come through the door to check these out. Der8auer, how did you get on with your 507?
  6. http://hwbot.org/user/kunal_roy/ http://hwbot.org/user/kunalroy/
  7. This guy continually re-submit's under a different name after being banned multiple times from both HWBot and Team OCN. Is it possible to remove him for good?
  8. Still looking, no time wasters please.
  9. PM'd.
  10. Looking for a sub 1.4v 5.0 4960x tested on ambient. Right money for the right chip.
  11. Doug2507

    [fs] 4930k

    How did it do under LN? Would only be running it on water myself but LN2 results may give some idea as to how it will do.
  12. Dumo, what did that 332B0xx do on air? (on a works computer so can't see any pic uploads). Still on topic, should have 4x retail 3330A967 4960x's on route for testing.
  13. x58/x52. HW's got it down as 5061 for some odd reason!
  14. Think there's been a mix up with clock speed on this one dude.
  15. Delete. All sorted.
  16. Being relatively new to benching i don't quite get the amount of benches that score no points, maybe a couple for HW if you're lucky. I've not even looked at half of them due to a 'what's the point' attitude if they don't score. (no pun intended!) The selection of point scoring benches is quite good, don't get me wrong, but i think if the others were awarded pt's as well it would definitely be a positive, maybe open things up a bit more/more interest in those particular benches.
  17. Thanks Christian. One less thing to do!
  18. Hi, Similar to the thread below, i've made 55 submission with an MSI mobo and GPU's but no achievement. Also noticed that some of the GPU submissions aren't showing as MSI. (All 780/4770k subs have been MSI)
  19. Anyone played about with L317's? In particular B770+ range?
  20. Wow, that's a seriously good score for for only 4ghz on core.....
  21. Well, it was nice whilst it lasted. Time to get the real score i guess.... No worries, will do.
  22. http://www.3dmark.com/3dm05/5503034 http://hwbot.org/submission/2447788_doug2507_3dmark05_geforce_gtx_780_3581298_marks?recalculate=true ...eh.....good score? FLOL! No idea how this came about and i can guarantee i've not cheated in any way. Let me know if you need any dump logs, screens etc etc to show what's running before i shut it down. I'm obviously not expecting this to stand but nice never the less!
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