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Everything posted by dinos22

  1. LMAO looks at the LCD screen outch look like the same crew from last year is joining in...GL
  2. it blows we killed this chip before it could be tested again with new pi bios same for the 32M time i uploaded
  3. lol April fools joke....good one Hiwa i had a chuckle
  4. Good stuff Vince Borandi has it occurred to you to perhaps click on the validation link and check the details you are requesting be shown in the screenshot?
  5. Kovsk, SoF and a few others do make valid points. I just sat and read through 30 pages eek my eyes hurt. HWBOT has and will lose it's shine with this move............I am not really passionate about whichever way these decisions sway to argue vigorously but you do have to admit they are making some valid points...............not posting this to get a response...especially not from jmke... I'll still use it sure.... just thought i'd put my 2 cents in there i guess [edit] i really dont understand why you guys dont have a word with jmke.....seriously his posts are a joke
  6. any way to classify results by what the top scores are for benchmarks....sorry tried to do a couple of different searches but a bit unsure how to best view it.... there is an issue with prime rankings i think guys
  7. holy crap i didnt see that there was a first page there the guy answering you in the thread is a kiwi sheep lover hahahah............................... anyways i'll leave you guys to it sorry about that
  8. i will do one better i'll email him this thread so you guys sort it out
  9. hey mate the guy that runs evga for Australia is a Kiwi........if you want i can pass on his email so you guys can work something out or to ask him where to get the gear
  10. shamelessly voted for my team mate after that crazy score in vantage
  11. thanks guys that fixed it
  12. hi mate i havent done that i wasnt aware that anything needed doing i sent you a PM Dino
  13. anyone else have this issue? it works now for normal submissions but if i try to submit in F1OC comp it throws this error. maybe thats bugging something donno
  14. congrats on the W.R. thats crazy being alone with that kinda hardware makes it a bit easy but hey what the heck at least we get to see some kick ass wprime performance
  15. ROFL hehehe nice time and bloody nice CPU will someone ban George from HWbOT...this CPU is tooooo good hahaha j/k :celebration:
  16. i am NOT saying he would i am saying that same rules should apply to old George and me and everyone else
  17. surely you have a digital photo camera that takes videos just set that up, record it and thats it vista does take a big hit in AM3 but you might be onto something or it could well be a bug i'm not going to waste by breath talking to dem...
  18. what was wrong with say asking him to provide more evidence as results are say "out of" normal range rather than delete them and instruct him not to post more scores dont play dumb you know what i'm getting at [edit] my comments are not only related to this thread but previous experience when it comes to these things
  19. I can vouch for bob(nz) not being a cheater thats 100%. If i had a slightest hint of doubt i would never accept peter to be part of Team.AU i would suggest as others that you do tape your runs Peter and put this matter to rest. If it is a bug of some sort it needs to be clarified as it should if it is legit. and also GHOST your HDD mate cause you might have hit OS jackpot lol i REALLY resent how agressive some of the moderators here can be. Using such language definitely insinuates that he's cheated regardless of how flowery you want to make the langauge. The language needs to be address and there's nothing wrong with working on that attitude a bit too Peter is in top20 ffs. At least give the guy an opportunity to provide you with information required to get to the bottom of it before relegating his runs as cheats or bugged runs.
  20. lol i just went to check some of the top 20 and the first score from hipro5 doesnt even have checksum in screenshot it's covered by CPUz screen why would you guys check that and approve it if it doesnt comply with screenshot requirements even though it is George and we know he can be trusted > it still shows a bad example i'm assuming it a slight oversight from all parties
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