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Everything posted by dinos22

  1. Congrats Marko. Nice to see you got some funding for a competition for the exYugo republics good luck guys
  2. AMD OC records in terms of frequency and 2D are all done on a single core as well....the issue is that CPUz can only disaply one core at a time and if you select the core you are overclocking in CPuz it looks like you are on one only..... my 1M record a while back on amd platform was done with the second or third core at 6.7 and the rest were at 4.5ghz hehehe
  3. hahaha massman good one so ppl can troll these comment sections without admins being able to do anything about lol LMAO nice one guys i think mrmagoo is a cheat......i dont think he is really posting...well we need video evidence to make sure he is for real and not sitting in some mental hospital messing with people
  4. hahah i spy an untweaked XP run can't wait to see it tweaked..........
  5. i remember brian having one of the fastest 32m runs in the world back when pro and i had those 960 CPUs and were shooting some W.R.s at the time i dont know why you keep shooting yourself in the foot marc. you can make a point about something without the need to make yourself look like an ass
  6. lol one push button OC too bad it still sucked and then the magic Pentium MMX came out wow what a chip
  7. err westmere i mean hahahah where are you guys finding these chips far out
  8. nice chip andre backups on W7 for superpi LMAO.......only andre would be proud of that lol
  9. looks like a bench off is needed if the rules dont stipulate who will go through on even points my suggestion is to organise a bit of a live bench-off if both guys can make it to one location and put a stream so we can watch too
  10. crazy chip andrea bill your whining is getting a bit old man....id advise to sit back take a deep breath and read your posts.........what's gone into you man give it a rest will ya
  11. george it's early to say yet as we only all got to play with a couple of different settings......but i'd say yes in long term thanks guys
  12. this discussion always starts with new chips and it always ends up the same ppl claim ES is special and then retails match it and eventually beat it and do it consistently so i say meh to it again
  13. nice work man great clockage that retail is a machineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hehehe
  14. for superpi benching try the first beta bios listed here http://forums.tweaktown.com/f69/gigabyte-latest-bios-28441/index3.html#post270437
  15. we did some testing on air in Win7 it didnt make any difference if it was 2 or 12 cores im guessing he just went with whatever settings worked but the score looks a bit low for frequency....guessing he had some problems by the time he tried AM3
  16. lol you can beat me at that hammer game no problem
  17. looks nice man good job guys
  18. i am assuming its the same as the difference between 7-7-6 and 6-7-6 which is not much at all as tRCD is the main timing that improves performance considerably
  19. hahah that OS looks veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery familiar to me
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