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Everything posted by dinos22

  1. if you are referring to his latest screenshot i would say no as he has no maxmem so no point running wazza either
  2. wow massman you are my hero...you are so amazing nice run
  3. hard to tell pins seem ok.....nothing looks burnt but who knows...it might have shorted somehow no idea
  4. try F2 then that's what i was using
  5. he's just messing with me guys for being captain obvious....Belgian Michael Schumacher of overclocking doesn't like getting tips from the old timer lol why are you always stuck at 200 bclock Mr.Event#2
  6. bad luck man try to check that pins are ok with a macro shot and good look shame that it died if it did but that's always a possibility
  7. OK you're going in my black book
  8. congrats very nice run what is this mod??? also what's a shutdown mod?
  9. it seems Dedal worked out what SetFSB to use in the comp looks like RTM885N-914 works ok
  10. Sam pulling out the big guns nice QPI what is the point of RAM on LN2 with a clarkdale? Anyone know what NB frequency field means in CPUz with a clarkdale
  11. nice man but a bit slow for the clocks keep pushinggggggggggggggggg
  12. lol at the sauna pic AGAIN and massman with a gun haha you really should start doing standup i reckon ud be good at it
  13. what sort of a wanker post is that massman from your moderator............. "i don't give a fuck" ..... nice going > That's dope! lol
  14. OMG i hope hipro5 isnt reading this then lol
  15. that depends on the CPU and QPI used but im sure you will find that your CPU with low QPI will actually take a full pot of ln2 always check this before you start to bench anyway man
  16. it's at 4000.02MHz which is against the rules old huh damn you kiddo
  17. dinos22

    I'm back ...

    where is the high res shot i want to print it and have it on my wall...................... LMAO
  18. dinos22

    I'm back ...

  19. wrong image tag....works now heheh i think that's MassiveOverkill's nail polish hahahah
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