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Everything posted by Sweet

  1. Sorry i dont understand you, this new rule should not be for all hardware (reference - ES or something else) ? This is only for 7970 ?., in the future new nvidia ? and then new Ati - AMD ?.... for next nvidia release,i traveled to Athens to get one of those, before the rest, Lol
  2. like this: maybe - Pro League: everything allowed from day one Ok. - Overclockers League: new hardware (eg: i7 3960X or 7970) does not generate points until 3 weeks after launch Ok - Enthusiast League: new hardware (eg: i7 3960X or 7970) does not generate points until 5 weeks after launch OK
  3. Matose is right here said a great truth: we must care for overclockers, because many overclockers depress, left it because they see that they never get anything. Is this happening now, unfortunately in my country, only 10 or 12 overclockers go on, and there are 300 registered in Hw Edit 2 or 3 or 15: is very good debate, to improve and equalize those involved in each league, in addition to this debate is valid for all
  4. Wooowww here in Buenos Aires at this time, only pictures, and now too Please, you can buy one of this for me ?. This GPU is amazing, but you understand my point of view ? Not all countries in the world in December had that opportunity, we only discovered in the USA and Europe Forums . Until now in Latinamerica, nothing of this and in newegg (USA) too, Mwave USA ( dont have) ZipzoomFly Usa ( dont have) Maybe europe have, but is too far to buy
  5. Yessssssssssssssssssss That's what I wanted to say in my very bad English!! That's what I thought Bro! Thank you for your understand, ( my english sometimes is confusing)
  6. Yep you are right, but see this for example: OC league 22-12-2011 http://hwbot.org/submission/2236229_poparamiro_3dmark03_radeon_hd_7970_153605_marks 30-12-2011 http://hwbot.org/submission/2233505_majkel84_3dmark03_radeon_hd_7970_114690_marks these two boys have not made ​​significant changes to the graphics, only overclock (not very high), and surely these graphs go to other forums or people linked to the manufacturers. who had the opportunity to have one 7970 in the last month of 2011 ? This guys are not in Pro league, both should be, of course or should not get points for these benchmarks, of last Edit for Massman San: 1-wait since grafic card (cpu) is for sale an then upload his benchmarks. 2-Idem wait 3- perform the review and publish it in the / most important forums, that's what manufacturers want, extensive product difisuión anddddd wait for upload in HWBot. Well tis is only my way of tinking, as HWBot is worldwide, many of us from distant countries we almost depressed when these things happen, it's an undeniable sporting advantage.
  7. Hi hokiealumnus The truth, I do not speak of only one person, there were many advantages and benefits obtained agreements with the companies (or important forums) and this is reflected in anxiety, this have been uploaded many times out of time(before sell or NDA or something else) in hwbot. You understand my point of view, surely Edit: I buy all my hardware, my last add Gtx 580 lightning (nacho_arroyo sell me this), all who receive benefits for having very good contacts with manufacturers anywhere in the world (or reviewvers -like new and ultimate hardware- of important forums) should be in the Pro League, no doubt this is just my way of thinking
  8. I think there is some truth to the engineering samples in general, in the presentation of the bulldozers in Baires the microprocessors were "chosen" by AMD for high cpu clocks. In general, engineering samples of Intel cpu is not good, here we say "like a shoe" or something else The expanders in Latin America are known in photos only, like many others stuff btw I do not understand is how many guy are already using 7970 and still nobody has to sell, AMD Argentina, does not even have an engineering sample or reference still This is the real problem, for reviews this samples (grafic cards reference) provided are not yet on sale have been used for benchmarks on hwbot, and many people today can not compete with that. I wonder, at this delicate problem these benchmarks should not be without a score? and on the other hand, these guys who have access to what few have should not be in the Pro League?, this is not the object of this league ? Just a thought, only, if Intel provides me an Ivy bridge, I can upload the benchmarks here, without changing the league ? i dont think so. NDA and support of a company:rolleyes: IMHO all the guys who have used the 7970 contacts obtained by the arrangements with the company or staff for being part of important forums, all should be in the Pro League
  9. Hi Delex, screenshot (benchmark) is mandatory, please upload ss, nice run btw
  10. Wooow, good job Chris, I imagine as you gets this score in general HDD. i dont know do this, software is not really my forte. like write english You and my friend siouxx, discovered something new in this benchmark
  11. I fixed this, i think, or you can delete and upload again correctly
  12. Yep, Imho it's ok., but for Chiller likely to not
  13. Yes, it was also my first graphics card, but it burned long time ago, she is flying around Mars
  14. I think, cpu score very high by mhz cpu . 2600K at 5101 Mhz., is near 37,000, but your cpu score is 88000. In spanish: Manu el score del cpu es muy alto por los mhz. 5100 Mhz da aproximadamente 36 o 37 mil, pero tu score de cpu es de 88000. Por favor tirá de nuevo este benchmark, por otra parte ....donde andas ??
  15. this "heaven tweak" in consultation with the staff. I'm asking if they know this tweak to see if it is legal or illegal, I do not know this trick - tweak
  16. Or Dark Heaven Sorry here in Baires 00.10 am, too late for me, (I'm old, dont forget) Like my old English teacher said: anddddd.... till tomorrow childrenssssss :banana:
  17. Very interesting and innovative for nvidia cards, broken everything done so far in heaven
  18. Ok. share your the point of view, the discussion is good Edit: everyone always learn of the good discussions (me too)
  19. I dont know that.... Old discussion, as in the PCMark05, softwareclocking or overclocking ?
  20. This score is not possible on heaven Dx11 - 1X 580 GTx = 4656.4,all in stock ? its bugged score or im wrong ? Please delete this score, thanks;) Sw
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