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Everything posted by Sweet

  1. Ok. share your the point of view, the discussion is good Edit: everyone always learn of the good discussions (me too)
  2. I dont know that.... Old discussion, as in the PCMark05, softwareclocking or overclocking ?
  3. Yeap maybe, but this could be the end of Heaven on hwbot, Could Be .... Perhaps.
  4. This score is not possible on heaven Dx11 - 1X 580 GTx = 4656.4,all in stock ? its bugged score or im wrong ? Please delete this score, thanks;) Sw
  5. For all !!! Best wishes for 2012 :banana::banana::nana::nana::nana: and many :celebration: Sw
  6. Some points are dead P.S: I have the same problem, btw....Help !!!
  7. Me too, sometimes. Imho is legal
  8. In your submission dx11, this validation file is missing, this is sufficient to block a score, by the way. Next time i block any submission without this validation file, this is for you and for all, around the world, this rules is for all, not only and exclusively for some boys from Brazil. If another moderator do not agree with my attitude, permissive to you, I Block all score without this file, include heaven mentioned in this discussion In this message you are notified. Case closed Sw
  9. Thank you Colosso, well...thats all, all this to answer this and it was only required. Dicrimination, aggression, blind...etc, : All this to get a concise and correct answer ? Colosso (Bruno) think about this, please..... Your submission is unlock now, three pages, Many insults and flame wars just to answer three questions ? C'mon guys, but I do not forget, dont like bla bla bla , I fought a lot for us latinoamericanos to be recognized alongside my friend Ronaldo, and your answers are only aggressive towards me, towards hwbot and to the entire community that looks incredulous your poor answer. I can say that not all guys are like that in Brazil, my brother and my nephews live in Rio, my nephews are Cariocas and they do not make fight, without sense, think about this, in the future Thats no the way., but is your exclusive fault. Again, dont like your way, I dont like your discrimination...., no one think: hey !!! Brazilian's guys block him score !!!, thas is only in your mind And....Bruno your score is better my score(you say this in post before), your score is great , of course, for you thats important, yes you are better like me, if that is what you wanted me to say, there's always someone better in this, as in life, Overclocking is the joke, but the life...is not a joke Sw Edit : please upload your cpu-z validation like Colosso do Ceará, Thanks
  10. No problem leoakirakblo, is only to be respect for other people like the others to respect us. And i'm not a guy exactly (old man), but not fool (many others things but not a fool exactly), like the others overclockers, there are many questions to Faster and few answer. this is not the first time, with me and others moderator of Staff. Simply, I have two questions and no answers. Again, this is not just by a wall, In This tournament, where is the Colossus Heaven's ?
  11. 1- in this link colossos' heaven isnt there no, proof nothing 2- Faster you dont know me, please do not say something you do not know, proof only. 3- For me this is a cheat like many others 3x gpu upload by only one Gpu. 4-I block this submission until Colossos and Faster stop talking about someone else ( me for example)and answer what I ask. You should worry about you, not what I do or my country, this is not your problem. I've had too much patience and no evidence only attacks. Have nice cristmas day Sw
  12. Bro, Not isnt a crime, of course, and no one say this.... Es más bajo el precio en Buenos Aires, aunque puede llegar a ser el mismo que en Paraguay (Us 280 / 320 - 2600k), and yes this is a nice score, but, this is Faster screen or Colosso screen ?, Thats all , and I will not discuss if I am, cute, ugly, short, tall, black, mulatto, blind or gringo, I just want to know if this is true. Hay que parar con la discriminación, a nadie de nosotros nos gusta que nos digan "Sudacas", "Negros", etc..... stop with "Gringos" Pero a mi me pueden decir "Careca" (English) But You can tell me "bold" or the old man, if you want
  13. Yes i'm old, but i'm happy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - For all, we have a job and responsibility to the community overcklocker, our job is to ensure that everything is clean (Fair Play). For you and the rest of the community, I hope everyone understands this. Christian Ney , Massman, Turrican, Maxi, Der8auer, Knopflerbruce, Neoforce and the rest of staff, not a problem against the "Gringos" (I'm not "The gringo" it is also discriminate ), is a problem of fair play We expect logical explanations to not block a score, I want to be blind before block a submission. "What's up guys this is not world war, or war of brazilian guys" Merry Cristmas for all of you Feliz Navidad para todos Ustedes Feliz Natal Sw
  14. Colosso, Why you change your pic, after my question ? You are Colosso do Ceará or Bruno-PC ? http://hwbot.org/submission/2233994_ Validation's name Bruno-pc....if you are Bruno-PC (Bruno Bello), please change your nickname or upload your validation with the same nick (Colosso do Ceará) PS: Please try to have a little education to write, no one will interest you have in the eggs, they all want this to be clarified. Btw. I have little hair on my head, and maybe blind ? But who cares. mainboard's pic (change your pic) 2700k in both scores, maybe i'm not the blind here or i'm blind, but not the only one Merry cristmas Sw
  15. Faster, your reaction makes me think About the bad results, for Which I Have consulted very kindly. Only you should only confirm or add evidence to support the veracity of these. Take it easy and try to answer what was asked of him. Meanwhile I still think this is something not clear. Try not to discriminate , black, white and blind, at last, I do not care where you live. primary education is around the world. Where is this Heaven in your tournament ? Colosso's Heaven ? http://forum.pcproject.com.br/3d-hwbot-unigine-heaven-xtreme-dx11/14663 Merry cristmas BR Sw
  16. Merry Chistmas Feliz Navidad Joyeux Noël С Рождеством Crăciun fericit Hyvää Joulua Καλά Χριστούγεννα Feliz Natal God Jul Mutlu Noeller Frohe Weihnachten Buon Natale ............................. For all of you and your families. :):) Sw
  17. Hi, Colosso do Ceará, why in the wall We can read Faster ? btw. same cpu, same mem, same mainboard and same gpu, like Faster's heaven. http://hwbot.org/submission/2208481_faster_unigine_heaven___xtreme_preset_(dx11)_geforce_gtx_580_1910.07_dx11_marks Regards and obrigado Sw
  18. is your doughter ?
  19. haaahahahahahaha....lmao
  20. Hi Hero, this submission is the same like this ? http://hwbot.org/submission/1050135_dfordog_cpu_frequency_pentium_e6500k_2.93ghz_6003.99_mhz Sw Edit: same cpu - mem - mainboard, why ?
  21. Well...no fixed i block this sub, please P5Bencher re-upload in the correct category "8800 GTX", thanks
  22. Please CYCLOMETRIC, delete this submission and upload again, you can see this: 24 x cpu really 1 x cpu. Thanks so much Sw
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