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Everything posted by Rampagexx79

  1. What up roman How are you My CPU die on me todayí ½í¸«
  2. How well the i3 6320 perform on ln2?
  3. Anymore 6.5+ coming or i3 6+++
  4. How much shipping to US
  5. i fix the photo when i get home
  6. Ok
  7. Z170x gaming g1
  8. Wanna trade
  9. i use it on http://hwbot.org/submission/3125230 but it work great bring all the accessory
  10. I'm selling for $360 +shipping payment paypal only please ask for shipping cost
  11. Me too overnightstone@gmail.com
  12. $200 for the mobo?
  13. Pm your price for the mobo What kind of memory do you have ?
  14. Looking for a gigabyte z97 soc force ln2 Payment done PayPal
  15. Ship to US?
  16. How are you guy doing I having trouble with the new xtu is not working on i7 4820k The problem is once I click on benchmark it won't work but if use The older version work fine but is not support it on hwbot
  17. Hello how are you

    I having trouble with the new xtu

    is not working on i7 4820k

    The problem is once I click on benchmark it won't work but if use

    The older version work fine but is not support it on hwbot

  18. Interested in buying a golden i7 6700k Payment will be done with Paypal. PM with your offer, please.
  19. I just order this one http://m.newegg.com/Product/index?itemnumber=N82E16820231900&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleKWLess&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleKWLess-_-IM-Mobile-_-Memory+%3E+Memory+%28Desktop+Memory%29-_-N82E16820231900&gclid=CNXZnLPOv8gCFYgSHwoduOMAhw&gclsrc=aw.ds
  20. Wanna trade ?
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