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Everything posted by richba5tard

  1. New version: - Android OS version shown in compare list - Android kernel shown in compare list - Bugfix app does not crash when not connected to the internet, and informs you of limited functionality - Related with bugfix: device info is cached locally in case network is down. - other small improvements Sames download: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/hwbotdownloads/hwbotprime-android.apk Still BETA! App is bound to our test environment uat.hwbot.org and scores will be reset once out of beta.
  2. I know, I don't check for missing internet yet. Currently min version is 4.0, but if popular I can work on supporting 2.x
  3. I noticed my cheap tablet running android 4.0 does not scale the images properly. The avatars are huge!
  4. New HWBOT Prime BETA: * login feature more robust * "me" tab shows points, rank and notifications from HWBOT (test server, not production) * compare tab tweaks * general tweaks Be aware, this BETA version uses a test server (uat.hwbot.org), so your submissions will be wiped once HWBOT Prime for android goes out of BETA!
  5. Mine are very consistent on a vanilla Moto G upgraded to kitkat (within <2% variation). Maybe background processes?
  6. Feedback whether the temperature monitoring is working on your android is appreciated.
  7. Added: - processor temperature detection (if supported by platform) - processor frequency detection, per core https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/hwbotdownloads/hwbotprime-android.apk
  8. Hooray! Found the issue and uploaded a new version. Apparently the android specific "AsynTask" is no match performance wise for a plain old "Callable<T>" implementation. I used AsyncTasks everywhere because it has a nicer interface, but it's slower. New score on Moto G: 1859 PPS https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/hwbotdownloads/hwbotprime-android.apk Single core devices are now a tiny bit slower though.
  9. Source code: https://github.com/frederikcolardyn/hwbotprime If someone spots a reason why the score is lower than before, please tell.
  10. Hmmm... in android you have to offload as much work as you can from the main (user interface) thread, so the ui remains smooth. This may cause other threads still running when the benchmark starts, causing a lower score. Maybe... I'm still looking for the cause.
  11. After the benchmark has ran or you can't open it? It requires an internet connection and will abort if there is none. I tested it on a Moto G (score dropped from 1800 to 1200) and a Yarvik Tab260 (score remained 300).
  12. thanks! fyi in this version you need to log in on the third tab in order to be able to compare, anonymous submissions are not shown on the "compare" tab.
  13. New version available, not with the ability to submit (automatically for best score), compare and log in. Far from a finished product, still learning android. The database is uat.hwbot.org, so you are not submitting against the production database. https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/hwbotdownloads/hwbotprime-android.apk Can someone please let me know whether the score is consistent? I did not touch the algorithm at all but the score om my Moto G is much lower (1800 -> 1200), but it seems there is something wrong with my Moto G als cpu load when idle is very high... I don't know why.
  14. I tried the new ART runtime on Android 4.4 and it's disastrous: 1220pps vs 1880pps (Dalvik). They've got a lot of tweaking to do before making this the default runtime!
  15. HWBOT Prime is the same codebase on Linux as on Android (except the ui obviously), and both run on a VM. On linux, it's a Java VM of your choice, on android it's Dalvik VM.
  16. Maybe it runs at full speed all the time in linux, and throttles when using android?
  17. bug fix moved to production, enthousiast league seems back to normal now!
  18. Seems very low for 4x2265Mhz. A Moto G has a 4x1200Mhz and scores 1880pps!
  19. Looking into it. - edit - Found the issue, the rank counter was not reset after recalculating the oc league, causing enthousiast ranks to start from 8000... a fix will be pushed to production today.
  20. For rev5 we have the lightweight mobile version, as massman said, but is indeed limited in functionality. For rev6, which is currently in progress, we are going for a responsive design. This means the same page will size properly from a mobile screen to a tablet, to a 27" desktop screen. If there are quick fixes you guys want to see to apply the the current design, please tell, but keep in mind our resources are limited.
  21. Good idea. Please use the ISO 8601 date format so the files are ordered chronologically even if you sort by file name.
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