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Everything posted by richba5tard

  1. Massman has LN2 at the office and a Pi, but he's on computex right now. I'm eager to know what these little buggers can do on LN2.
  2. No screenshot if you don't have a desktop. bobnova probably ran it in console mode through ssh. Bobnova, your score is so high? Which os did you use?
  3. Hi StrategosSan, your issue has been reported to the Intel development team. Hope they can help us!
  4. The benchmarking menu is available in XTU v4.1.x Direct download page: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&ProdId=3483&DwnldID=22835&keyword=%22%22extreme+tuning+utility%22%22&lang=eng
  5. New XTU version is up for grabs: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&ProdId=3483&DwnldID=22835&keyword=%22%22extreme+tuning+utility%22%22&lang=eng
  6. No, the character set itself is not the issue, the issue is that the file is not in the character set it claims to be. It seems like the file is always written in the character set of the OS, but the wrapper says it is utf8.
  7. I saw this in the logs and reported it in the Aquamark topic: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?p=246324#post246324 Basically, your PC writes the data file in a different file encoding than Aquamark can handle. The data file submitted to HWBOT is corrupted.
  8. v2.25: it always says the xml file is utf-8 (xml starts with <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>), but when the HWBOT engine parses this file it sometimes fails because there are non utf8 characters.
  9. FYI, java 7 seems to be 5 to 8% faster than java 6 for the Pi. Did not try java 8 yet.
  10. Raspberry Pi overclocking 101: 0) download Soft-float Debian “wheezy” at http://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads on an SD card 1) boot your pi and open the config file which contains the cpu frequency: #sudo nano /boot/config.txt 2) edit the line arm_freq=700 to any value between 700 and ± 1150 3) reboot # sudo reboot Benchmarking Download a java 6, 7 or 8 runtime. #sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre Download latest HWBOT Prime #wget http://downloads.hwbot.org/hwbotprime.jar And run it! #java -jar hwbotprime.jar Lots of usefull info: http://elinux.org/RPiconfig => memory overclocking, gpu overclocking, etc etc
  11. Goddamn, NASA misspelled our missile again!
  12. God I hope we have insurance for this new office.
  13. HWBOT Prime 0.6.6 reaches beta stage! Tests are looking good on all platforms. Fire up your raspberry pi and start overclocking! Download: http://downloads.hwbot.org/hwbotprime.jar Instructions: 1) install java jdk 6 or newer if not installed yet 2) doubleclick jar or run via command line: java -jar hwbotprime.jar Home: http://hwbot.org/benchmark/hwbotprime/ Screenshots:
  14. I'm using eclipse with the m2e plugin. Import -> as existing maven project -> done. Building from command is simple if you have maven installed: mvn clean install FYI, there a security module that's not in git. You'll be able to build and run the benchmark, but won't be able to submit to the hwbot production server.
  15. There is an android build in the pipeline, but not for iOS though. I'll check out that link and see how much effort it would be. What would be the point though? You can't tweak an iOS device.
  16. New build, works great on my Pi: http://forum.hwbot.org/showpost.php?p=245235&postcount=2
  17. New build (0.6.4): - proper hardware detection with C library compiled for linux/windows/macosx - score as primes calculated per second, benchmark run always takes ± 22 sec Tested on a wide variety of platforms, works both in bash console as with a UI. Only one requirement: your system must have a java runtime 6 or newer. http://downloads.hwbot.org/hwbotprime.jar Instructions: - using file browser: just doubleclick jar - using console: java -jar hwbotprime.jar
  18. The benchmark is opensource, currently in alpha stage: https://github.com/frederikcolardyn/benchbot The benchmark and UI is written in java (to be able to run everywhere), the hardware detection is in C and accessed through JNI. I'm currently writing the JNI bridge and compiling the C code for each platform separately. HWBOTPrime is tried and tested on win 32/64bit, linux x86 32/64bit, linux ARM (raspberry pi and a netgear nas), Amazon linux EC2 servers, Mac OSX, etc, etc. It's very nice to have a cross platform bench. HWBOTOpenGL will be much harder to be cross platform though, that project is currently on hold until HWBOTPrime is completed.
  19. Once hwbotprime and hwbotopengl are stable I think we'll celebrate with a raspberry pi competition. Already ordered 2.
  20. Thank you for supporting us from the beginning! Will you stop with overclocking altogether or just hwbot?
  21. I don't think the concept of overclocking is dying, but as Sam said the classic Windows Intel PC tower is no longer the only choice for computing. As long as people can get some free performance, they will try to thinker with it and be the fastest. IMHO our community should embrace trying to overclock tablets, phones, etc. That's why we are putting effort in a truly cross platform benchmark (hwbot prime), a bench which runs both on quad socket i7 server as on a raspberry pi or a samsung galaxy phone. Those mobile platforms are not always easy to overclock, but the PC market also didn't start as a set of easily overclockable and interchangeable components. I don't see this as the end of overclocking, but as a start of a new era. Hope we can survive the jump!
  22. Currently in alpha stage, but working pretty well on a wide variety of platforms. Same bench can be used to test your brand new i7, as your ARM based NAS, as your linux server, as your android phone, etc etc. The goal of the bench is twofold: - to serve as an example on how to use the HWBOT Data API and write your own benchmark - to provide a cross platform benchmark so we can compare and compete on linux, mac, phones, tablets, etc. To make this possible, the benchmark was written in java. While not the most sexiest of languages, it does run on many platforms. Features: - secure (encrypted data files) - save functionality - command line supported for headless systems - processor detection on all platforms - screenshot To be implemented: - hashing of data file for checksum - more robust hw detection The source code: https://github.com/frederikcolardyn/benchbot Includes everything to build hwbotprime, but the binary will not be able to communicate with the HWBOT server as the security module is private. Example submissions: http://hwbot.org/submission/2354252_richba5tard_hwbotprime_core_i7_3615qm_29sec_566ms (macbook pro) http://hwbot.org/submission/2353620_richba5tard_hwbotprime_arm926ej_s_35min_1sec_716ms (Netgear ReadyNAS MS2000 ARM based) http://hwbot.org/submission/2353479_ (raspberry pi) Binary (v.0.3.1): https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/hwbotdownloads/hwbotprime-0.3.1.zip Latest Android beta (29/03) - V1.02 APK: http://downloads.hwbot.org/downloads/benchmarks/org.hwbot.prime-102.apk
  23. The breaking down part was mainly due to running on dedicated servers using a small Belgian backbone on which we had to patch the os and middleware ourselves. Since mid september we are running on the Amazon EC2 cloud, and haven't had any downtime! *knocks on wood* The downside is the cost though. Dedicated servers was 300 euro / month + 2x 2000 euro for a 1U server. Amazon is currently 1500 euro a month, but we are working on it to reduce the cost.
  24. Got a 35min score on my 200Mhz Netgear ReadyNAS 200. http://hwbot.org/submission/2353620_richba5tard_hwbotprime_arm926ej_s_35min_1sec_716ms
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