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Everything posted by richba5tard

  1. I see massman made a bad fix in the url of the verification pattern. I corrected it. Sorry about the inconvenience!
  2. Hi Bombcat, you don't have hw points because you only get hw points for your best submission with your hw. You have a better i7 3770k submission: http://hwbot.org/submission/2693625_bombcat_cpu_frequency_core_i7_3770k_5498_mhz which receives the points.
  3. http://bugs.hwbot.org/browse/HWBOT-1661 Your points seem OK now.
  4. Hi infrared, I installed oc-esports.io 1.2.1 this morning and it contains a lot of speed improvements + remember me cookie fix. Now that all javascript, json and css is both minified and zipped, it gets very good speed results according to google website speed test and pingdom.com. We also upgraded to a 6x faster Amazon Cloud cluster to serve your needs. Can you point to a specific page which is still slow for you? If you encounter a javascript issue, please take a screenshot and report the bug. I haven't seen a magnefic popup error yet, so that will probably not have been fixed.
  5. See here: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=126586
  6. i'll check the production logs to see whether I see an error when you try to submit. - edit - Found it: we limit the description field to 500 characters, and no one else seems to exceed that limit except you. It's obviously a mistake on our end not to stop the user properly, but in the meantime you can submit with a slightly shorter description. Your last description was 800 chars long.
  7. @massman can you add the limitation only CISC based processors may join? We don't want people with desktop processors joining. : )
  8. Hi zeropluszero, We need a few competitions running on the esports site to gather feedback on what needs to be improved. All resources are allocated to esports to fix the majority of the complaints by the end of this week. Thanks for your patience.
  9. Apologies, I thought github would send me a mail or something. Both changes have been merged. Only me or Dennis can make an "official" build though, because closed source security modules are included to make cheating hard.
  10. HWBot prime is available on Google store and as a downloadable all. Why are you trying to run the desktop version? @genieben: did I mis a pull request?
  11. Extra options is something i still need to do before the final launch. Currently it indeed logs you out.
  12. Yeah me to. Vbulletin going completely bonkers I'm not home now, I'll check tomorrow.
  13. You're confusing java applets (browser plugin) with java desktop apps. The browser plugin has security issues (like any other browser plugin), the runtime is safe to use. Yes you really need a java runtime to run HWBOT Prime... or run HWBOT Prime for Android, but then you are basically also running a (modified) java runtime. We used java because we were lacking a decent cross platform benchmark. SuperPi: windows x86 only. HWBOT Prime: Windows, Linux x86, Linux ARM, Mac, Chrome OS, Android, ...
  14. Loading more is IMHO a better solution than massman's suggestion.
  15. Hey nvidiaforever2, congrats on your #1 spot in the rookie ranking.
  16. When the cpu of a smartphone is not recognised, technical details are sent to the HWBOT server to allow the crew to add the device. There are currently 878 unknown cpu's in the waiting list. There are A LOT of smartphones out there.
  17. HWBOT Prime is not very memory intensive, don't worry if doesn't use all your memory. Is your CPU load 100%?
  18. @FatBoyNotSoSlim: i subscribed to this thread and received a notification from Devroush's reply. Looking at the server stats, 90 vbulletin mails where sent last night, 1 bounced.
  19. I changed the vbulletin settings to use another port for the mail service, and now it seems to work. I was able to send a mail with vbulletin.
  20. Why do you think it's bugged? I checked the first two and it does not get HTPP because someone else in your team has a better score with same hardware.
  21. Due to the database hickup of today, wall notifications made between 09:35AM and 10:17AM +2 GMT will be incorrect. The notifications are in a different (NoSQL) database, I'll try to clean them up.
  22. We suffered a database malfunction today, which was quickly resolved by restoring the database on a different server. As a result however, data submitted between 09:35AM and 10:17AM +2GMT was lost. Sorry for the inconvenience for anyone who lost data! The hwbot team
  23. Just to check: you know only your best 15 global and 20 hardware points count towards your league points, right? And pictures are required for league points in enth league. http://hwbot.org/user/sskmercer/#Points
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