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Everything posted by richba5tard

  1. I plan to change the save dialog to your suggestion (no popup, just save to current working directory filename hwbotprime-<date>-<score>pps.hwbot).
  2. Especially for Genieben: HWBOT Prime for android beta: http://downloads.hwbot.org/hwbotprime-android.apk Can: - run HWBOT Prime benchmark, shares identical codebase with HWBOT Prime for desktop - detect processor and videocard. Communicates with HWBOT uat environment to resolve device name to hardware specs Can not yet (TODO for next week): - submit - compare - save
  3. A fix has been deployed to production. The catzilla verification link is now properly attached to the submission, and you can add a screenshot if required.
  4. Is this the same bug? Reported as a HWBOT engine bug but I think the image is just missing from the data file. http://bugs.hwbot.org/browse/HWBOT-1325
  5. Was your old password incredibly short previously? I accidentally upped the lower limit from 4 to 6 this week, causing passwords shorter than 4 to be rejected even when trying to log in.
  6. vitozilla, we have changed the libary which resizes images. This might cause issues for you. Could you email me the system picture you are trying to include so I can test it? frederikcolardyn AT hwbot.org
  7. Yes, if you want to be 100% sure it's working as expected then set threads to 1 on a multithreaded system, and watch your score drop. java -Dthreads=1 -jar hwbotprime.jar
  8. Default is detected amount of cores * 2, if I remember correctly. It can be overridden by specifying the -Dthreads=x parameter. Note v0.8.3 does not print the correct amount of threads used. java -Dthreads=1 -jar hwbotprime.jar
  9. It works, hooray! I need to run headless (console) when benching in chrome os, but when I dualboot in ubuntu it even works with the user interface. The choice of java runtimes on chrome os is really limited though.
  10. Cool! I've requested an Apple dev licence for iOS to make a proper version. You can try adding -Dthreads=4 to the command line as the score seems much too low.
  11. oooh, awesome! That's the first +100% OC i see! I was just toying around with my raspberry and it seems java now comes shipped with the stock raspbian OS, and it's much faster than before. Performance seems on par with the jdk8 beta optimized for arm. http://hwbot.org/submission/2473395_richba5tard_hwbot_prime_broadcom_bcm2835_585.41_pps
  12. Ordered a samsung 11" chromebook with the dual core ARM processor and quad core MALI gpu to toy around with. 207 euro, this must be the cheapest laptop I've bought up till now. OS of choice: http://archlinuxarm.org/platforms/armv7/samsung/samsung-chromebook
  13. Priced at ± 250 - 300 euro they might be a cheap and fun thing to overclock. I see there are both ARM (eg Exynos 5250: 2x1.7Ghz ARM SoC) as Intel (Celeron 2955U: 2x.1.4Ghz Haswell) based models. Anyone tried overclocking them, if at all possible?
  14. Hmm, tapatalk app says everything works A-OK but I don't see the forums load. Weird.
  15. I reinstalled the plugin, can someone with tapatalk verify it works again?
  16. The forum moved from hwbot.org/forums to forum.hwbot.org (separate server) about 6-7 months ago. I think that broke it.
  17. Stage 5 processsor requirement is fixed, it was broken in the previous build.
  18. Do you have a link to the ticket? Or an example problematic file? Erroneous frequencies should not be a problem but I haven't tried it yet.
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