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Everything posted by richba5tard

  1. Stage 7 is fixed. I do not know what the issue might be with stage 5, is it the aquamark wrapper of hwbot website giving an error?
  2. Hi Ygor, thank you for the problem report. I'll see whether I can get hold of a vbulletin 4.2.x version to test compatibility. In the mean while we are developing a plugin that does not rely on vbulletin BBCODE, but it is not stable yet.
  3. Ive E is now allowed for XTU submissions.
  4. Nah, already tried that path with HWBOT Prime. /proc/stats and /proc/cpuinfo gives too limited information, same for /proc/meminfo. I tried writing a C library for lower level information, but unlike x86 there is no uniform way to retrieve the processor brand string or frequency from an ARM processor.
  5. Ubuntu might be better for linux dummies though, although debian is also my preferred flavour.
  6. HWBOT Prime can be ran in console mode, so no user interface at all would probably be the fastest. @PJ: is all hardware properly supported in ubuntu out of the box?
  7. Set this in ~/.bash_profile and you don't have to type it after reboot. echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/jdk1.8.0/bin" >> ~/.bash_profile
  8. Cool find. Not yet tested but do you really have to run the game as root (sudo /usr/games/openarena)? Would be nice if we could integrate this in a wrapper and use it on the bot.
  9. der8auer, do you have similar behavior when benching prime95? Afaik XTU uses the same algorithm.
  10. Also, memory seems to have a big impact. I lost quite some points when I had to replace a dual channel set with a single stick.
  11. That has always been the case. The first part of the url is used to retrieve the submission by id, the latter part is just for search engines of people who want to know what the submission is about before clicking the link: http://hwbot.org/submission/<identifier>_<optional submission title>
  12. Confirmed, problem on mac osx too. Bug reported: http://bugs.hwbot.org/browse/HWBOT-1184
  13. richba5tard


    Just drove 200km back home at twice legal speed to fix it. We ran about 6 months without downtime from sep '12 to ± march '13, and now it goes down every few days. Logs show hackers finding week spots, but I can't be sure wether patching everything is the solution.
  14. Hi I.M.O.G! What probably happened is that your buddy visited hwbot on your pc on the short time the cookies where stored under forum.hwbot.org domain instead of .hwbot.org domain. As both domains are valid, I can imagine you have very weird behaviour now. Please delete cookies from the forum.hwbot.org domain, and report if the issues are gone. Thank you!
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