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Everything posted by marc0053

  1. marc0053

    i7 5930k

  2. marc0053

    i7 5930k

    Price drop
  3. marc0053

    i7 5930k

  4. marc0053

    i7 5930k

    I am selling the following: 1) Barely used i7 5930k for SOLD n Canada or US. PLease contact me for international shipping. Includes original box. No receipt. Was able to run Cinebench R15 4.7ghz @ 1.3V but may need 1.32v ish now. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117403&cm_re=5930k-_-19-117-403-_-Product PayPal gift preferred Heatware: https://www.heatware.com/eval.php?id=81118
  5. PM sent
  6. Great job! That's a strong phase change and 5960x you have there!
  7. Thanks guys, it was a simple fix after all. Had the formula drive V3.0.53 on OS (from using regular OCF) and installed 3.0.78 thinking it would overwrite but gave "not compatible with this operating system" error. After uninstalling the software manually and reinstalling V3.0.78 is works perfectly. Maybe this can be useful for someone down the road. Cheers, Marc
  8. Hey guys just curious if someone has formula drive for the mocf that works with win xp 32 bit?
  9. Great work DrWeez! It was fun watching this live on Twitch
  10. Thanks guys! the MOCF is an awesome board
  11. I have the same issue guys about tripping ocp past 1.5v on cold water with my matrix/Hynix at 1700mhz ish. I often get a blank screen when benching and the only way to get it back it to do a PC shutdown and restart. It seems even if I get the blank screen that the PC still runs and cpu/gpu continues to finish the bench but simply no display. I did try a 980 Ti Gold with Samsung memory and It had no blank screens nor downclocking to 400mhz so maybe the ocp limit was removed on those cards? I was pushing past 1.6v on cold water no problem and loaded temps was around +25C.
  12. Incredible score on the OCF Splave. Can't wait to see your MOCF results!
  13. Thanks elmor, the new bios + ThermSpy Software works great!
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