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Everything posted by exaberries

  1. 6850x2 or 6870x2 would be added quickly if you had them i'm sure
  2. for non k oc, might be a good idea to also explicitly block 'x' suffix chips heaven xtreme rule change is good, 6990 wouldn't be allowed because different core codename but other dual gpus that would work exist but are fairly rare
  3. I like the current situation of having a speed way stage for each amd and nvidia
  4. I like the kepler stage, maybe 8 core instead of 6 core? opens up a few more options maybe narrow the crossfire to just 3000-6000 so its just terascale no gcn and like I said in the discord channel: 32m per intel hedt socket (1366?, 2011-1, 2011-3, 2066) (no kblx) zen 1 (am4 only) 3dmark 11 physics (per core?)
  5. I think a hd 6xxx stage would be interesting, fm2+ is probably too legacy for cc, maybe yos can weigh in
  6. posting this here as well as in the discord more stage suggestions: gts 450 3dm 03 fermi firestrike, socket 1150 only, no gpu count restriction superposition on some older gpu gen 3dm 11 extreme terascale gpus x265 4k per core, by socket (1366, 2011-1, 2011-3, 2066), probably no kbl-x for 2066
  7. could use some more multi gpu, maybe fermi sli? might be fun to have some terascale gpus in there as well hedt (x58, x79, x99, x299) single core stuff (32m, pyprime) might be interesting especially since you can't disable cores some more legacy gpu stuff would get my vote as well, maybe clock limited 03 most of the am4 suggestions sound good but I especially like ref frequency, and zen 1 3dm11 physics
  8. Thanks, still trying to push further for 4000 1t the board has been pretty good so far with the 7740x once I figured it out, 9800x is taking a bit more effort
  9. mb tab isn't required in the rules, its in the example screenshot but it just says cpu and memory tabs required https://hwbot.org/rules?referenceId=5247 Thanks for the complements on the memory
  10. I've been trying to flash to flash the 1.2v firmware to my epowers but i can't seem to get it to work the included app never detects that its connected, dfu-tool in linux sees it but can't get it out of application mode and into dfu mode, i've also tried messing with what usb drivers the devices are using with zadig but no luck there. Has anyone got this to work?
  11. Since I damaged the socket of my ix apex I'm in need of a new motherboard for older gpu benching. Since i've essentially only messed with asus boards so far i'd prefer a non asus board but I'd still be interested in a good price on a apex. I'll also consider buying a x299 board with a cpu or a x99 board with a 6950x. Looking to spend only about $300 usd max on a board with shipping. Pre insulated board is a plus. Mostly interested in: z170: asrock oc formula (prefer matx but might consider atx for the right price) gigabyte soc force (ln2 version or normal) x99: asrock oc formula gigabyte soc chamption x299: evga dark asrock oc formula
  12. is hypersli/differentsliauto allowed for post 2010 hardware / drivers or does it fall under the driver modification rules? based on the below forum posts it seems that its fine but some confirmation would be nice before I try anything. x
  13. I'm running out of places to put stuff so I need so sell of some of the stuff i'm just not going to get around to anytime soon. All items are in Vancouver, Canada. Prices are in USD. Buyer pays shipping / import (if applicable). 1. 4790k w/ retail box + stock heatsink - $125 Bought used on ebay run a few times in the z97 classified 2. G3258 + z97 classified - $160 Not a very good board for the G3258 so consider it a way to check that it the board posts 3. fx 6300 + 970 pro gaming aura - $150
  14. sent you a message for the dark hero
  15. topic can be closed, bought from gunsligner
  16. Found some more hardware that I had forgotten about to sell so i'm upping this to $320 USD shipped.
  17. sent pm for gemini
  18. Looking for cpu or gpu pot for about $200 USD before shipping. Basically anything that will fit 58.4 mm or 53.2 mm nvidia gpus for a gpu pot and 115x, 2011, am3 and am4 for cpu pots. Not having either am3 or am4 is not a deal breaker though. I live in Vancouver, Canada and am willing to pay up to about $80 USD for shipping. Also willing to pay a bit more for specifically a green venom.
  19. exaberries

    [FS] sold out

    pm for gemini
  20. Does anyone have the chipset drivers / MEI for xp? All the links I've found are broken or don't work.
  21. Finally have 20 posts so I can join this. Willing to cover international shipping to canada. Thanks for doing this.
  22. So even though I immediately killed the memory by being to happy to turn a pot heres how to volt mod this card and basically any reference ish 560ti since they use the same controllers. Gpu core power is a ncp5388. Look for an empty pad right below the ncp5388 based on the orientation of the text. The one on the left is what you want wire this to a 100 ohm pot since the feeback resistance is 2 ohms. OCP removal should be as simple as shorting over the resistor connecting ILIM to ROSC. Load line can be controlled with VFB and VDRP. I think disconnecting the resistor between the pins should remove all load line. On the other hand reducing the resistance from VFB to DIFFOUT should reduce load line but shorting is probably a bad idea. the resistance from ROSC to ground is switching frequency. Don't drop this below 10k as that is already 800kHz-1MHz. I wouldn't go below 15k as that should hit around 500-700MHz. Datasheet link: https://www.digikey.at/htmldatasheets/production/234279/0/0/1/ncp5388.html Memory is a RT8101/A. Look for the tiny dot on the chip to orient. I soldered directly to the pin. Feedback measured at 600 ohms so I used a 1M pot but 200k is also probably fine. This controller is really simple so theres not really much more to add. RT8101/A datasheet: https://datasheet.octopart.com/RT8101GSP-Richtek-datasheet-12527331.pdf Cap modding: This card is already really good on the capacitance front so I don't think it did anything. Can't say for sure since I killed the card before running any benchmarks checking to see if the mod worked. Also delidding is a really good idea. Watch this to see. Don't crush your memory chips though.
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  23. y-cruncher scales nicely with memory settings but also requires the most stability of the hwbot benchmarks
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