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der8auer last won the day on November 6 2024

der8auer had the most liked content!

About der8auer

  • Birthday 06/07/1989


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    Product Engineer @ Caseking


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  1. That is just a bug and will be fixed today. The front page will still show the best scores of the past 24h
  2. Albrecht asked for volunteers to check the test server like 2 months ago and only 4 people gave feedback. It's not like he didn't try that. We need all this feedback in order to get it going and fixed fast. So please be productive and just report any bugs or things you don't like. You can be sure that Tim and Albrecht will look into everything.
  3. I would like to take the Dominator Peltier cooler if it's still available :)
  4. I take it for 250 + Shipping to Germany
  5. If still available I would take: I7 980X SLBUZ ($40) Rampage formula S775 X48 Sealed ($60) Rampage III Extreme Sealed ($90) Rampage III Gene Sealed ($50) Asus Commando Virgin ($70) QX6850 QXTN (ES) ($25) QX6800 SLACP ($25) QX9650 SLAN3 ($30) I7 980X SLBUZ ($40) I7 975 ES Q1HH ($30)
  6. I would love to take actions but as usual we need solid proof. If you have some we are happy to look into it. It's one of the cases where I personally would consider it "obvious" but from an objective point of view we still need some sort of proof to justify a ban. I'm not happy about that but I think we have to follow the fair procedure so everyone gets the same treatment. Again: If anybody has solid proof, please send it to Albrecht.
  7. For the future you can only report scores the official way. If you think that a score is not legit you have to go to the submission page and report the submission officially. No more talking to Albrecht, Hiwa, me or other involved people on private messengers, Discord, WhatsApp and so on. If you want to have a submission checked by a moderator you have to go the official way. Thanks!
  8. Holy mother. That is insane. Congrats guys!
  9. Sold to allen. Thxbye
  10. I would do 1500 for both
  11. We're always open for improvements for future competitions. Albrecht and me try our best to find a frame for competitions that is both fun and challenging. What I'd like to see is more appreciation within the community. Right now it feels like whoever is first and maybe found a loophole or tweak will get bashed. Albrecht and me received so many messages during the last few weeks and I'd say at least 90% were completely unnecessary. Just be happy for a moment that Intel is here to support our community in such a great way and see a chance to have a good time. We obviously see if things could be improved and you can be sure that for the next competition we will also try to make things more clear so everyone is on the same page.
  12. Wow that is strong! But to be fair with the previous submission you should include scope video verification
  13. if the hurdle is too high with obscure tweaks it will not help I think would've been interesting to limit GPUs with the available CPUs at the time
  14. Don't take what I posted out of context please It's a different story to make benching more affordable for the masses by not focusing on RTX 3090 Ti SLI vs 3DMark2001 with lack of verification and legacy cards. Regarding the "we can spot it in Nature" argument: Splave has a valid point here. Now that there has been a huge discussion, everybody knows about it. If Nature is too high, you can simply clock down for the test. This is a massive problem for moderation.
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