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Everything posted by Papusan

  1. Thanks. Do you need Intel ME Consumer Firmware : for this beta bios version? Again, thanks sir.
  2. Wrong graphics card category. You posted your SLI result as single caard. Re post as single card. And don't forget put in Cpu-Z memory tab. Thanks
  3. Hi. Please delete my sub. Thanks https://hwbot.org/submission/5219329_papusan_3dmark___fire_strike_extreme_geforce_rtx_4090_20105_marks/
  4. ECC video memory disabled. Has to be Enabled... https://hwbot.org/rules?referenceId=5392
  5. Hi. Can you please delete the score from the database. Thanks https://hwbot.org/submission/5140588_papusan_3dmark___fire_strike_extreme_geforce_rtx_4090_43061_marks
  6. This one is sligthly longer. +8days https://hwbot.org/submission/2955222_siouxx_gpupi_for_cpu___1b_sempron_140_8days_10h_18min_54sec_16ms 12 days https://hwbot.org/submission/2965955
  7. Hi. I saw one of you have blocked my 4090 Fire Strike Extreme subs. Reason. ECC disabled run. But I'm quite sure I had it Enabled. I don't even think older Fire strike benchmark offer driver status as ECC disabled/Enabled in their results summary. Or maybe LOD tweaks is one of the culprits (allowed for hwbot) for not show it up. I can't confirm this right now as I have returned the card. Maybe others can test out this with 4090. I mean every single Fire Strike Extreme benches posted on hwbot don't have the results summary with ECC disabled or Enabled in their results. Either it will be showed as Driver version approved or the driver version. Nothing about ECC disabled or Enabled. What to do with results that is valid but you can't show it due Futuremark system info can't show it correct? Will all 3DM Suite Fire Strike (Extreme) results be removed/blocked now even if they are done correct? Thanks In short... Newest Futuremark System info 5.55 or newer doesn't matter. Offer nothing about ECC disabled or Enabled info for some benchmarks as etc 3DM Suite Fires strike Extreme or Fire Strike. You either get approved or the driver version instead in the results summary. Nothing more. Correct me if I'm wrong. It will be wrong blocking posted results if this is correct and you haven't done something or anything wrong. Examples below. Edit. Same here from today.... https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/87613114 ------ Newest Futuremark System Info, Newest drivers, software and nothing about ECC info in the results summary https://hwbot.org/submission/5178098_andressergio_3dmark___fire_strike_extreme_geforce_rtx_4090_43526_marks I have even seen results from 3Dmark TIME SPY flagged as ECC disabled even if the settings is enabled in NCP. What a fun time we live in. Edit. And what with 4080 results? Not sure ECC enabled/disabled will show up at all for this 4000 series cards.
  8. This is well and good, but Asus avoid for all they can add in an short change log for their beta bios package. And only luck of draw if Asus will do the same for the official bios on their main support download page. And I expect not all major changes will be added anyway. But less is more.. Isn't it? This below is with EVGA. Asus... Nothing.
  9. New rules is implemented for RTX 40xx cards... https://hwbot.org/rules?referenceId=5392 All benches done with with ECC Enabled will be removed from the bot. Mandatory Systeminfo 5.55 Update and new benchmark rules for RTX40 series Edit. More about it here... Giant 3D elephant in the room no one wants to talk about...(why is it always me bringing this stuff to light?)
  10. New test bios out for Asus Z690... v2204 RaptorLake Resources
  11. ECC is disabled as default settings in NCP. Geforce is meant as gaming cards. Not a professional work station card. Edit: https://www.gpumag.com/nvidia-quadro-vs-geforce/ 3DMARK - SPEED WAY with ECC enabled... 6% performance penalty. You don't want that in games.
  12. Also see if latest Systeminfo 5.55 in itself affect scores with or without the ECC enabled. Not unusual that Futuremark screw up own software. This is the common trend for both OS, drivers and software nowadays. Edit: I looking forward to coming 3DMark suite updates. Be prepared for some surprises (not in a good way)?
  13. Thanks. And you are sure that the 3090 Ti isn't affected by this? And what with UL. Will none of the posted scores forwards (from anyone) be validated and checked "Valid" on the leaderboard on Futuremark if you don't have ECC checked in NCP? I dont t'alk about the scores that will be put on Hwbot. But on UL(Futuremark) leaderboard.
  14. Does this means all posted scores on the leaderboard for 3090 Ti and newer cards will be removed? 4-6% performance penalty from the new rules will reduce your chance to beat older scores with same or sligtly higher clock speed. Or will only the scores from 4080 and 4090 be deleted/removed?
  15. Hi, and thanks. Changed to custom water. But the AC Freezer II 420 is an amazing AIO (need some custom work if you have Apex board) so I didn't need to change it. But the AC AIO will most likely find a life in a new build with the 12900K for my middle son.
  16. Super PI is a single threaded benchmark. We disable most of the cores regardless of Cpu core account for this benchmark. As you can see from several leaderboards.. https://hwbot.org/submission/4967162_sergmann_superpi___32m_core_i9_12900ks_3min_35sec_921ms Edit: https://hwbot.org/rules?referenceId=5272
  17. A cople of days before I got the same 403 error on my desktop. Then run benchnmate on my laptop. Nothing wrong with subbing. Today I run Benchmate once again on my desktop. Got same error. Tried two times to add in my password (I'm sure I put it in correct first time). First time I tried post results I got error, but the next time it passed and I coud post results on the bot.
  18. I know. Eset flagged it as malware. Also on Virustotal. But it still should be fixed. I exclude the download link from Eset scanner and downloaded Benchmate.exe. Then load up the file on Virustotal to see what was detected. Detected as Trojan.Generic.Win32.1667275
  19. The result you get if you try download Benchmate fom the website... @_mat_ Any fix? Thanks Also Virustotal show it as malware (Eset scanner).
  20. The bot was down a few hours a couple of days before. Lost many Global points once the bot was up again. The whole ranking etc CBR 20 got messed up. Probably others as well. Was it a server down or did the Hwbot service personale try the benchmate merging? If not.. Any time frame you have for the merging with benchmate? Thanks
  21. A question about validiation of scores for Hwbot ranking: Is this score below a valid or not valid Memory benchmark score? Several have subbed memory frequency benchmarks that don't fulfill the hwbot rules the way I understand for this benchmark. We have already +15 users that have subbed this way with (unchecked) scores on the ranking for DDR5 mem frequency. The scores for DDR4/5 need to be VALIDATED by CPUZ. Aka with Green stamp as posted in the rules and below for this benchmark. Please enlighten me if I have not fully understood the rules (can we post unchecked scores for this benchmark or not). Thanks https://hwbot.org/submission/5059645_kio_memory_frequency_ddr5_sdram_4087.9_mhz https://hwbot.org/submission/5060006_kio_memory_frequency_ddr5_sdram_4122.1_mhz The rules... https://hwbot.org/rules?referenceId=5304 Edit. For me, it looks a lot easier to reach very high mem frequency scores/high ranking if done with almost no load on the hardware.
  22. Thank you very much good sir?
  23. Not sure if this is the correct sub forum for this inquiry. So sorry if this isn't the appropriate thread to post in. Wrong Reported submission report. Got a notice about Reported submission on my profile. This is obviously wrong from the sender. The HW I used is posted in the correct hardware match. As 12900K for 12900K hardware match. Could some from the moderaration team please delete the report notice from my profile? Thanks. https://hwbot.org/moderator/reported Best regards -Per
  24. Thanks good sir. The SP is 92 (104 for the P-cores). I use an Arctic 420mm as in the pict of the setup. Not perfect but it is what it is for now. I have savapped the fans for something better. More noise if you load max fan speed, but thats only for benches
  25. Loosening points because of a few top benchers is still not nice. And many buy older hardware to try increase in ranking. A couple of newest HW won’t help much try come higher. Removing more and more benchmarks or points only because of a few make it less fun. But what do I know. Edit. Yep I know that they changed the bot to the better. Huge thanks for that. As a side note. The older 3D benchmarks is very fun to run.
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