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Everything posted by KingCry

  1. So enabling test signing it worked, with out it enabled it just throws a fit.
  2. Here is the bug report I have. I'm gonna try enabling test signing and report back. bugreport.log bugreport.log (0.8.1)
  3. I'm still running into issues with 0.9.1 with Driver Initialization Failure on X99. Been having the same issue since the start.
  4. Unless I shrink the window for CB I'm not sure if I can get it all in one screen
  5. I know there is a few for the US ebay if you can't find one.
  6. LGA 775 board with strong fsb
  7. PM Sent
  8. Moving funds to purchase when ready.
  9. This was a pain in the arse to get Thanks Ian for the help with this
  10. I forgot to thank the MLG team guys for the help with getting this hardware first
  11. Man if I didn't just have to drop 200$ on a temp i5 so i could send in my current 4770k I would of bought this at original asking price.
  12. 100% broken this is my 2 core 4 thread m14......someone call for a 5960x?
  13. Holy clock speed batman.... Strong and solid run!
  14. I just picked up my Droid Turbo 2 and ran HWBot Prime for Android on it and ran into an issue with validation and the device doesn't look to be added yet. CPU-Z Validation for the Device: http://valid.x86.fr/a/pkciwa I don't know what else would be needed for the device information. If there is anything more let me know.
  15. Now that is what is up! Amazing job with these Lighting's
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