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Everything posted by Matsglobetrotter

  1. keep playing with my older EVGA GPU's and Xdevs is the wholy grail of information. Now it shows Server Error (500). did they kill it or part of the Nvidia divorce. Sad if its gone....
  2. i like the f20b bios so far. higher mem clocks with my fury renegades and can increase the cache ratio. meanwhile i was testing the UHD Graphics 770 and on the memory side it corresponds nicely to the mem speed i have on the RAM. however when i look at all the ASROCK guys they have higher scores and i can not see any difference on my setup except to say that in GPUZ the Asrock users have 4000 - 4500 VRAM speed compared to then 3300 - 3400 on trhe tachyon. Mind you the Asrock guys RAM speed still shows as same as mine 3300 - 3400. Meanwhile how would VRAM then be so much higher?
  3. Thanks BOBKOC i will try this method also. I have a solution working on my Z690 Apex with DifferentSLI 1.4 and 1.7 depending on driver and GPU. Its not working consistently in setup but will try also on the Tachyon.
  4. would it not possible to get such? atleast in one version of them
  5. is there any special trick or way to get SLI to work? I have so far tried X3i Win 7, Win 8.1 and Win10 but no luck. I am interested in this for GTX 1080ti and older Nvidia's.
  6. way bad. I have gravitated towards EVGA for the excellent builds they have done where the pure design has been made to really bring top line overclocker versions of Graphics cards. While there are/have been oc cards from various brands the EVGA have consistently been purebreeds with most capabilities straight out of the box for generations. Think its a big loss for us as well as for the other remaining brands as i think EVGA has helped push the other brands in that area. Especially with the support of also matching hardware with K|ngP|n as the resident OCer showing what can be done and with very good OC guides overall.
  7. one of these days i need to chill this 1080ti :-) still doing good work on air in 26 c room
  8. sure will do tonight. I have more hardware to avail for the team scores. just been learning to use the Tachyon and DDR5 :-)
  9. Sergmann, I am not an extreme nor elite user. I can easily boot 7000 Mhz mem on F6 bios day in and day out and even boost it up to 7300 with bclk on normal airtemps and reaosnable voltages barely above 1.5 V. Actually the RTL comes down once other parameters are tweaked in there too in F6. no LN cooling, no cold rams needed but i can barely get 6600 mem in X3i and X3k bios. you can ignore the request despite the fact that on Gigabyte home page its clear F6 was adjusted to cater for more ram and it mentions Kingston in particular.. Stating that X3i and X3k are perfect simply makes no sense in such a scenario. I would believe most users who buy a tachyon are not necessarily LN overclockers. nor are they limiting themselves to gigabyte produced RAMs. That you dont have any problems does not necessarily mean its universal... why compare LN2 cold with air. yes i wont reach your scores on the tachyon as i dont compete with LN2 but i believe i am getting good efficiency despite being held back by.... bios..... to the tune of 400 Mhz on ram... for which there are a solution in one bios already but not in the OC bios.. not sure thats what we call perfect ...
  10. good then atleast there should be fixes? biosupdate. its clear 12900ks and various rams needed a tweak in the Bios. which is i guess why the older X3I,X3k is not very good for among others Kingston Ram.
  11. am sure but we dont have the same ram. Seemingly i have Richtek PMIC and it behaves different. All i can say is its sad to see a marvel of Hardware being held back by flaky bios solutions. How can a formal Bios F6 be not overclockable for cache neither in bios nor in GTL with a superficial block at 4700Mhz. i believe i have a great IMC. otherwise i would not be doing 6800 T1 on 1.515/1.545 v. There is no way to do this with the good ram i have on X3i nor X3k bios. or maybe its time for a X3l bios that actually let us unleash the Tachyon to its real potential ?
  12. Seems is want the best of two worlds.. Its easy to get my Kingston Fury renegades 6400Mts up to 7000 on F6 bios. simply using the 6400 Hynix boost profile and increasing voltages to just above 1.5 Volts. I can do 6800 without touching anything. I could even clock it bclk up to 7300. However for some reason or another the Cache frequency on the F6 bios does not want to go beyond 4700 no matter what i turn off or on. Meanwhile on X3k and X3i i am lucky if i can boot on 6600 and usually would need much higher voltages. 1.55 or above and wont be stabile. Does anyone know what is blocking the cache on the F6 bios as seemingly it would otherwise be the best for me ?. im still using my 12900ks
  13. that would be drama and negate a huge amount of efforts from people and defeats the single goal of just reachng a high cpu frequency. so sure dont agree. I dont mind disabling cores. but right now on trhe new processors its simply best to do double sub one in 12900KS and one in 12900 ks (P) with the same score. i guess we can get more points?!
  14. Think there is need for clarification as to which sub is supposed to be used for CPUz with this new full cores vs Performance core validation for cpu frequency. I noticed that on for example 12900ks there are subs with 2 cores active in the top rank. but its clearly 2 performance cores. Thus effectively those subs should be in the 12900ks(8p) category. Thus to qualify in the 12900ks pure category minimum 1 P core and 1 E core would have to be active otherwise it must be in the (P) only category. I am sure the OC performance might be very different as we go forward with this new topology. Meanwhile we might need a third category (E) where all P cores are turned off ?
  15. no major opinion on this but what are we trying to solve with this? would it lead to a major increase of activity? if so im all for it ?
  16. I can confirm this is not a benchmate issue but rather between Bios and Operating system as Win2012R2 and older Win 10 version have this issue but not the latest Win10 or 21H2 version to be more specific. I have tried just about all combinations now. both on X3k x3i and F6 bios. so now i have a debloated 21H2 version :- and it works. However i would be more interested in using Win2012R2 version and Benchmate but the fix is still then between Bios and OS as it shows up wrong in Windows own Task manager on the performance tab for CPU as i also prove in the picture above
  17. Sergmann I found one work around. Its seems that if I use the latest Win 10 version i can download it is reported correct. Not so in older Win 10versions nor in Win server 2012R2. This apply to anything thats using benchmate. This both on X3k and F6 bios
  18. as per suggestion i downloaded a new bios. i used the F6 as its not experimental mode. I did bios update as you instructed. I then installed a clean vanilla Win 10 Enterprise LTSC version build 17763.rs5_release.180914-1434. i did nothing in bios. I install benchmate and cpuz i have not installed any other things on the machine except graphics driver. As you can see in the screenshot it shows 2 sockets used in task manager.
  19. I checked your scores and you only have 1 with benchmate on the 12900KS full (not 12900ks(8P) and yes its with X3i and it reports wrong CPU so not relevant as evidence. why not check in taskmanager and see what it will indicate ? why not try on F6 bios. I did all my flashes in the bios and did not have one error message in any scenario.
  20. it seems there is an issue in the bios for the tachyon what i can see which show both in a normal F6 bios and in X3I and X3k when using benchmate. The CPU is reported as 2 x I9 12900ks. I have checked however and it is not only related to benchmate but also reported as such in the windows Task Manager in win2012R2 server as well as win 10. There the I9-12900ks is reported as using 2 sockets. When infact it is using 1 cpu socket. It does not show up as an issue in CPUz nor for example in Geekbench nor hw info. Though some action is needed to fix this. If not we wont be able to submit scores to HWbot as the field related to 1x or 2 x cpus cant be edited for many of the subs relying on benchmate in win10 onwards.
  21. I have been playing around with the Tachyon now for a few days. quickly updated the F1 bios to the F6 and then it accepted my 12900ks also. I XMPd my Kingston 6400 and it started right up with no tweaks everything on auto. Kudos for that. I did a milder OC and got them up easily to 6800 simply using the XMP timings and a basic increase of DRAM as per this thread, I could then go from there to improved efficiency. I did get them up to 7140 Mc also just for validation. I am not used to Gigabyte Bios ? which can be quite confusing coming from EVGA/ASUS but a few Youtube videos later i made it. I could not get any Win 7 to work with the F6 bios no matter what i tried (Both USB and DVD tested) and installed X3k which seems to take care of that. Will that be the same for win XP? Mind you the settings look exactly the same so not sure what the difference would be. Wish i had the GTL working on Win 7 properly though ? the X3a-k OC bios versions seems to be great but maybe it would be worthwhile to properly write out what they can be used for as in Win XP, Win7 and CPU's. Just to ensure no CPUs are crashed accidentally if that now can happen, i dont know. Would also be great if someone could write out what all the MCU bios codes actually mean/do and for what. So overall as a first gen DDR5 Intel based its a great board. loads to tweak so now up to me to improve my scores ? Meanwhile its very clear i can configure my Asus Z690 Apex to be a high priced mediastation as it will never be a great overclocker ? (mind you i had just about all prewvious versions and they have all been winners ?
  22. should we use 10.11.1 or newer or 10.11.2 or newer as both varieties are mentioned in the announcement above
  23. ok now if Amazon.de was allowed to deliver to italy it would be 623 Euro so to pay 200 Euro more is probably not... the way to go. but thanks for .. Offer meanwhile i got a tachyon on the incoming.
  24. Is there any computershop within EU that has EVGA Z690 Dark in stock. I keep looking around and seems their agents only have... powersupplies.... and a few GPUs. Would like to get my hands on one
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