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Everything posted by KaRtA

  1. I saw this on Facebook and thought "come on Allen, I thought you had faster than that" thinking it was a damn 7700K. Just realised it's the i3........FACEPALM
  2. But did you use golden super snake oil in your loop, with conductonaut and 40x3000RPM Corsair SP120 fans overvolted?
  3. Looks like a cold Pale Ale pre-chilled in the reservoir. The 4 degree higher idle before the attempted second run? Just saying cause I'm still not buying it. So on a serious note, has anyone actually tried this (looking back to the mods @websmile) to see if there is a measurable effect to it. As far as I am aware, that OC3D video was a Troll video with no substance. Please prove me wrong. I don't have $260 for fans plus cabling to waste on shit like this to test.
  4. Yeah nah bs. How about a video to show cooling proof? I know there is other guys running radiators mounted on air conditioners (chiller any day of the week) and those volts and speed I find so hard to believe. I want to see some of the "golden" CPUs in action and the rest of your loop. I think everyone does. We know how it goes and some of you people need to man up and provide video to everyone instead of hiding behind a keyboard because the mods can't investigate enough.
  5. When is XTU going to track min/idle cpu temp to rule out these fake "enthusiast" scores. Something that tracks temp from the start of the bench to say 10-15 seconds after. Please add this to the agenda.
  6. 68 degree load on "ambient" water my ass
  7. And the truth is now out!!!! Thanks Massman
  8. I too had been working with Mad in mine for their issues. I'm also working with Galax on a replacement set or refund now. Mad was very helpful.
  9. I too am in the same boat as you Stavros. My kit I have been able to pass with 1.96v real on my MOCF though, but is so high. My dissappointment increased when trying to push to the same timings I have used on other kits (much loser) and fails. Even with the extra volts. XTU is a fail!!!!, as soon as I try to run 3970C12-11 not even tight, all I get is BSOD in 32bit W10. Yet, I have passed 2-3 times in 32m. It completely complexes me on this issue. I even them to a friend and he had worse problems than me. I tried on multiple CPU's which have all been able to pass the same timings on my other dimms, and yet it doesn't work. I could have binned 2-3 more sets to have 3 kits that would work better than this set does. I understand it is not the fault of Mad, but stuck with what to do with these dimms now. It is too late for me to send back for a refund now I feel, as I spent all of my 30days troubleshooting to no avail. I too see the possible "friend" policy for showing off the memms to "add value" to the product, with the lesser quality sticks being sold to the "public or unknowns".
  10. If anyone needs OC Lab kit for this, pm me. May or may not make it international in time for the end.
  11. That CPU has your blood running through it! Great score mate.
  12. Killing points on all XTU submissions. Only 10 point max so no-one will run again.
  13. I really really hate XTU now. No more til Kaby then we do it all over again.
  14. Yeah, not enough. Still trying!
  15. They will contact us by email or pm for shipping details?
  16. That's an amazing clocking GPU there. Congrats!
  17. @Massman @websmile - Still no contact for Prizes?????? Anyone else heard anything?
  18. Shared it all. Nice one Allen.
  19. Same. I have a 4133 Zadak stick. Was at one stage Pi Waza stable 4000c12-11. Just today 3866c12-11-1t @ 1.75v. Sell for a reasonable price.
  20. It's hard to see where the change is for the 20deg minimum without reading this thread Michael. Can you not update the rules on OC-Sports page. Unfair on those that haven't see this thread IMO. Rules were better, but still need more work. Why no SS for XTU stil, and full PC/Cooling pics should be shown. Not these close ups of Socket area which is too much of a norm. May the best BS'er win.
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