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Everything posted by KaRtA

  1. Killing it, great work man. Little more, little more.....
  2. Guys, it has had that for the results since the end. I don't think it's final yet. Christian hasn't been online since it finished. Let's wait for a confirmation here, nothing has helped with scores that don't comply with the rules. I'm with you that there is at least one questionable score, the mods have to look at. For the record too, Stutvit and I are on the same points, we should both get prizes, otherwise it's not fair at all.
  3. Great run Bull, smashing it man.
  4. Saw the temp rule clarified in the discussion thread. I'm happy your score in XTU is fine for the comp, but I hope you can understand why the hate/questioning. Mods can handle the rest. The more transparent and clear you show your results, the less ???? after. Take better full rig pics, not close ups and be honest about it all, and screenshots no matter what, will also help silence. Hiding stuff makes you look guilty. Raules, ????? That is another that needs serious attention. Good score.
  5. Strange. I might try and replicate myself. Also Esport rules tab show 20 min, this thread says max temp >20. Needs clarification. The rules for this have been very cloudy, I hope in future they make it clearer with less chance of fabricating temperature results.
  6. The arrogance and lack of wanting to show fully makes it look more like he is hiding simething. If you have nothing to hide, then show us all to shut us up. Appreciate the video. Also, comp is messed up. Rules tab in esport states min temp, discussion tab has max temp >20. Not your fault, which leaves this open to the moderators to decide.
  7. You are showing a run with a temp below the required minimum. Plus, geekbench is not as hard on the CPU, temps are less than x265. I can see the speed is possible, it's the speed achieved at the voltage and base temperature that's questionable. Could you pass this submission, at the required 20deg minimum, I think not. Stop lying and retract, or show proper proof of a video showing temps complying, at the same speed, and that it was possible to complete the run in X265. Don't care if the score doesn't match, but it has to show a full pass complying.
  8. Thanks for the video, did raise some questions as I haven't seen the setting in bios that hides the volts, and the throttling was strange. Can you share so we can see for ourselves? My CPUz has had no problems showing voltages in any windows version. Also noticed your temp going below the 20deg min by the looks, but hard to see. Could be wrong. Slow mode is a bug/tweak. Not a true run, but allowed none the less.
  9. So you are saying you used an ice bucket for this submission then?
  10. The question wasn't just on NVf, more aimed at all those running the same, it's not sustainable at what they have submitted.
  11. I agree, the temps just dont add up, especially at that voltage. Be legit or quit, this is not acceptable.
  12. There is a lot of impossible in this comp. I think the mods need a good look, especially at the chips doing 5.2-5.3 @ 1.6v+, would be very hard to keep at the temps they have. Mine at 4.9 hits 80 with delid, CLU, 1.52v and 20deg idle. It's very real. Not calling anyone out in particular, just some scores seem off. Very good scores though, however they managed to cool it. I still beleive these comps aimed at the ambient classes should have CPU speed caps, makes it more competitive that way, and not just for those that have the money to bin a heap of CPU's or cheat on cooling to get there. One last thing, rig pics, close ups aren't satisfactory. You can't see the full extent of cooling. Yeah this too can be faked, but could reduce the question of legitimacy.
  13. There is a lot of impossible in that comp. I think the mods need a good look, especially at the chips doing 5.2-5.3 @ 1.6v+, would be very hard to keep at the temps they have. Mine at 4.9 hits 80 with delid, CLU, 1.52v and 20deg idle. Not calling you out nvidia, just some scores, not just yours seem off. Very good score and efficiency though, however you managed to cool it.
  14. Helps too if your cpu temp is correct. Mine with 27deg water temp has 20deg idle which makes no sense.
  15. I appreciate you actually show your full rig pic. Nice one.
  16. It's the 1.6v on some submissions that have me questioning. Well done if they are true. I wish I had you 5.0+ chips, these scores are crazy. I'm stuck at 4.8-4.9.
  17. How about a full rig pic showing your cooling instead of the same photo you always use.
  18. Great run mate. Wish I had a 980ti to get you.
  19. I just saw that, but here is proof temp is same between the 2 programs. I admit I missed the actual program, but the temps shown are the same, and my ambient temp here in AUS at the moment is high 20's to mid 30's.
  20. Just had an abundance of my scores removed. Is HWinfo64 not acceptable? I have done all of my submissions with this and have no chance to re-run them all. This software is not adjustable AFAIK, so why would it not be acceptable?
  21. Is a screenshot required for XTU? Submissions show max CPU temp, is this sufficient, or do you need a proper screen for a valid submission?
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