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The Mutt

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Everything posted by The Mutt

  1. Yeah yeah, I know and I have and I will test more to night. :-)
  2. How do you guys manage to run so high bclk/fsb? Any thing above 102 gives me BSOD... It might be me, I don´t have much experience with this setup.
  3. I think that pretty much sums it up. Competitions are fun but they take alot of time and with a life outside overclocking sometimes you have no time and/or money for computers. As long as it doesn't affect the rankings it's ok but if you lose places just beacause you can't compete for months at a time it takes the fun out of it.
  4. This is old but any way... http://www.overclock.net/t/228877/guide-editing-cpuz-passing-validation
  5. I asked him on a swedish forum what cooling he used for the 6.7 result and he claims that he used freeze spray for that too. The funny thing is that I bought the CPU, RAM and motherboard from a guy that bought it from him and with cascade cooling(-90c) and I was nowhere near that result. Those RAMs is good for 595mhz. That guy is clearly cheating...
  6. I pay about 390$ for 4770k.
  7. Tried that and it's the same on my htpc with g550 on a m5g.
  8. Today I tested to reinstall W7 on my laptop with a i3-2350M and it's the same problem, and there is nothing installed exept XTU. I don't get it, what could be the problem?
  9. I also have a Celeron but a G550 and it's the same on my laptop and a i3.
  10. I think I might have a bug. 4.2 version that supports Sandy Bridge refuses to start, it just says: Unable to start Intel Extreme Tuning Utility. If there is another performance tuning application running, you must close it before trying to start this application. 4.1 works but with that I can´t run the benchmark... Anyone with the same problem?
  11. Thanks! I had better results but I forgot to copy them before I formatted the SSD. But I´ll do better, I´m still not comfortable with all the settings on this mobo.
  12. I just tested my first 4770k with batchnr L310B488 and I must do something wrong, best with cascade was 5.2 with 1.6V anything less and it would not even boot into windows... But I only had a couple of hours and its all new to me.
  13. I just got A3 when it rebooted from 60 the last session. But that trick worked earlier, don't know why it didn't work the last time. But I could not even get x56 to work once the last session so perhaps it's cpu related. Any way, I'm happy to go back to Asus now and mayby some of my hair will go back.
  14. Yeah, mpower was my biggest problem, I probably could have gone higher with less voltage but every reboot took about 10min beacause the board refused boot past code 60 or A3... And that sucked most of my ln2 and my energy.
  15. Congratulation to the winner and runner up! Amazing scores and a great job by everyone who posted!
  16. Good luck too all in the last few hours. I have posted my best and after messing up my zombie there was no way I could go higher. I spent 20l of ln2 on monday trying but my Mpower gave me nothing but problems...
  17. Very good score for those clocks! Found the right lod settings? ;-)
  18. I got that too when I tried to submit and it seems like it´s something with the size of the pictures or something. When I removed all but the screenshot and the rig pics it worked.
  19. Tell me about it! I had so much trouble with both motherboard and graphics, I spent more time rebooting and trying to boot than I did benching... But I´m sure you will post some awesome results tomorrow.
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