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Everything posted by Massman

  1. There was a discussion about this a long time ago, and in the end it was considered allowed.
  2. I'm gonna update the article with some information on 3D benching and influence of PSU.
  3. Glad to help!
  4. I think it's possible to use a signature template from other people. I'll look into it, but it will take some time to figure out the exact problem. I haven't looked at the signatures in ages.
  5. Stage timers were all correct, contest timer wasn't.
  6. All stages and contests end at 2013-07-31 20:00:00 GMT+0. I noticed one contest had it wrong - fixed that now.
  7. http://bugs.hwbot.org/browse/HWBOT-1222 http://bugs.hwbot.org/browse/HWBOT-1223 The middle one was already in the backlog: http://bugs.hwbot.org/browse/HWBOT-1184
  8. Mighty impressive setup, though. You are an odd one, Vivi. Waaaay too creative for this hobby Best stock VRM FSE at the moment!
  9. Still a problem? Had issues before? Picture size might be a problem indeed.
  10. Fixed it. Also linked the scores to the contest.
  11. Just tested it as well - seems cool. I like the subtests. Feature request: ability to select exact thread for single threaded benchmark. Now it seems to switch between logical cores between the subtests.
  12. Due to unforeseen circumstances we are currently running at maybe 10% coding capacity right now. That means we can fix really urgent problems (eg: downtime), but can only put all the feature requests and minor bug fixes on the backlog list. Sorry
  13. Oh, I see what you mean. That is a problem related to the usage of front-page and forum commenting. I'm not sure if there is an easy fix for that, but I'll add it to the backlog anyway.
  14. You are right, currently the league points and rankings are out of date. We are currently working on a fix to get the League points back up to date. We are running test code on our test environment to check if the fix is working.
  15. The idea was to also show this graph on the user page, but it has not been implemented yet. There is no way to fetch the data via the API I believe.
  16. According to the Points tab on your profile page, all five are counted towards the Competition Points.
  17. How's the benchmark run?
  18. - GIGABYTE G1.Sniper 5 --- F6: download - GIGABYTE G1.Sniper M5 --- F6: download --- F6j: download - GIGABYTE Z87-D3HP --- F5g: download - GIGABYTE Z87-HD3 --- F6a: download --- F5: download - GIGABYTE Z87M-D3H --- F7: download - GIGABYTE Z87M-HD3 --- F6: download - GIGABYTE Z87MX-D3H --- F4k: download - GIGABYTE Z87N-WIFI --- F3: download - GIGABYTE Z87-PD3 --- F5: download --- F5g: download - GIGABYTE Z87X-D3H --- F6: download --- F6i: download - GIGABYTE Z87X-OC --- F5w download - GIGABYTE Z87X-OC Force --- F6 download --- F6n download - GIGABYTE Z87X-UD3H --- F7a download - GIGABYTE Z87X-UD4H --- F6 download - GIGABYTE Z87X-UD5H --- F6 download --- F6p download
  19. Hey guys, So in the Raspberry Pi overclocking guide I published last weekend you can only find a run-down for 3D benching with HWBOT Prime. Of course the Raspberry Pi can also do 3D overclocking! So of course we want this too. So far there are not really any decent 3D benchmarks out there for ARM-based Linux devices, so we will have to stick with our regular game benchmarks. In this thread I will help you install the OpenArena benchmark. OpenArena is based on the Quake3 engine, so benchmarking is pretty much like it was ten years ago . 1) Install Openarena Log in to your Raspberry Pi, stay in command mode. Then run the following commands: $ sudo apt-get install openarena $ wget http://www.berryterminal.com/dl/ioquake3_99.1.36-rpi01_armhf.deb $ sudo dpkg -i ./ioquake3_99.1.36-rpi01_armhf.deb The total filesize is about 700MB, so make sure you have enough space. Normally, the download packages will remain on your SD card unless you delete them yourself. You can use this command to remove the files. Don't worry, you don't need them anymore. $ sudo apt-get clean After this, you have installed OpenArena. 2) Benchmarking Again, stay in command mode and run the following command to start OpenArena. $ sudo /usr/games/openarena The game will load now. If you were aware during the '90s you will surely recognise the interface. Now, to benchmark use the default config settings and default demo. To start the benchmark, use the following commands in the console. To enable console, press '~'. timedemo 1 (enables benchmark mode) cg_drawfps 1 (shows fps when benchmarking) demo demo001_test1 (loads demo map) Just wait until it's finished. On my default Raspberry Pi (700arm, 250gpu) it took 434.8 seconds to render 3398 frames at 7.8 fps. 7min 14.6s is a great time for Haswell 4G 32M, but horribly long for a 3D benchmark. So be prepared. Results (arm/core/gpu/sdram): 7.8FPS at 700/250/250/500 13.2FPS at 1000/500/300/575 15.2FPS at 1050/550/350/600 15.5FPS at 1100/550/375/600 Enjoy! Sources - http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=8673&sid=01dcd4952ec1ce854d1367642f155265&start=25 - http://openarena.wikia.com/wiki/index.php?search=benchmark&fulltext=Search&ab=38%2C46
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