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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Oh, good call! No, ES not allowed .
  2. The score in the Kombustor competition = GPU clock The engine will take the gpu/mem clock from the score details.
  3. Not sure. With low-end cards, Vantage is mostly GPU limited. Maybe the SR-2 has an edge here, though ... not sure. I'm pretty sure the GTS450 will be a better idea. It's about %OC in the non-extreme stage and from the looks of it, the GTS450 is very strong in that area
  4. Yeah. You guys did actually very well! I think we'll be seeing more nice things of you in next competitions
  5. We had no issues with coldbug whatsoever ... not in 2D and not in 3D.
  6. This is the most important. HWBOT supports manufacturers that invite members from the community to play around with hardware that might be out of the price range. Essentially, the key to hardware sharing is that results are not submitted only with the eye on improving the team ranking. This would could be, for instance, using one system and have every person submit one score of this particular system. As long as you have this in the back of your mind, we won't make a big deal of it.
  7. Impressive clocks! What card is this exactly?
  8. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1048103_massman_unigine_heaven___basic_preset_dx9_geforce_gtx_480_3459.11_dx9_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1042476_psydrop_unigine_heaven___basic_preset_dx9_geforce_gtx_480_3460.19_dx9_marks This benchmark is almost VGA-only (give and take the architectural disadvantages sometimes). It's not like Vantage ...
  9. I had a system running with ye old P55-UD6 and a GTX48. I did notice some scaling from 3G to 4.3G CPU ... but not that much.
  10. In the past, many people have done tests to know more about the maximum bandwidth. Here's a chart that might help you in your adventures
  11. I tested the following configuration Width of the band is approximatly 40 meters. That's huge!
  12. Hey Sam ... are you capable of making this rig burn?
  13. No, because KP makes these pictures everytime he's got something new. And it's always droolware
  14. Hope KP doesn't mind me posting this here as well ... but this setup deserves a dedicated thread in all forums. It's so ... WOW! But also a lot :D http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=258733
  15. Correct. If two members have two cards and are submitting both, the best entry will always be appointed to the team .
  16. Yeah, you really killed him by not congratulating him. I'm sure he's heart-broken right now, drinking away the pain in a local pub. You're getting boring, BZ.
  17. KABLAAAAM! Thread is open again. Press release about the competition: http://hwbot.org/article/news/gigabyte_announces_winners_of_the_gigabyte_h55_mini_itx_overclocking_contest_on_hwbot
  18. You mean the RSS feeds threads I made? http://hwbot.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=69
  19. I did not invent B2B; that was an illusion created by myself
  20. Did you try step 1 of the solution?
  21. DenY what exactly?
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