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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Clarkdale is no longer under NDA, so results can be posted for points. Gulftown still is under NDA, can still be posted, but will not receive points.
  2. Where was it announced that ES cpus didn't count in V2?
  3. Updated the competition page with the benchmark limitations.
  4. I know why you ask . As I said, it will be added in the future as it's not available at this moment. //Edit: no, for that achievement, you need pictures of your system to be added.
  5. Watercooling is the next step. If you're serious about having overclocking as a hobby, you'll make the change one day. We cannot reward people for not being able/willing to try new cooling methods.
  6. The functionality has been removed completely due to highly inefficient. It took a lot of database space and not that much people used it. As far as I know, there will be a similar feature again in the future.
  7. Once the admin page is back up, I will add info
  8. Good, another bug! Will be fixed asap
  9. No. The engine knows what hardware can be unlocked and if the CPU is not in the list, it will always be categorised under the stock #CPU_core. Furthermore, one can only participate in rankings with equal or more amount of cores ... not lower. So, with an X3, you can only compete in X3 and X4 (if unlockable), not in X2.
  10. Yes, I want to add all limitations to the competition, but the competition admin page is not functional at the moment :-/
  11. You are right, that's the second major problem we have removed from Rev2. In the past, the popularity of a ranking was calculated based on the amount of submissions in that particular hardware category. In Rev3, this has been changed to unique participants per category.
  12. Yeah, a bug . Working on it.
  13. Since when is the winner whoever submitted most scores? The winner is the person who manages to beat all the competitors. The more competitors, the more amazing the victory is. Winner of local soccer-tournament < Winner of champions league
  14. Hm. Are you guys aware that Revision 3 also fixed some major flaws in the Rev2 hardware weight calculation? In the 3D SLI/CF categories, the weight was calculated based on the competition in the single card category and not the competition in the multi card ranking. This was a flaw in the code that had gone unnoticed for a very long time and was discovered a few weeks before designing rev3. Points that have dropped from 3D multi-gpu categories are affected by both the bugfix and the new revision. It may seem as 1 issue, but it was in fact 2 issues.
  15. Because we have noticed that A LOT of those benchmarks are run very close to stock frequency. I'm not saying that there's never skill involved, but in a lot of categories you could get into the top-3 with very small effort. In every competition, the winner takes home the big prize, but in overclocking competition everyone should feel like a winner and get huge reward ...
  16. I'm sorry, but this comment just doesn't make sense. - If we only think about low-end = BAD - If we only think about high-end = BAD - If we don't award high-competitive rankings = BAD - If we don't award low-competitive rankings = BAD - If we add variance = BAD Sometimes people complain just to complain ...
  17. Incorrect. However, you will have to look further than your profile to see where it's not thát difficult to gather points. Easy points have been reduced, skill/effort-points have been increased. FYI, I have found over 650 hardware rankings with 30 participating users or more. That means that you only need to be 15th to get >0.2p, or 10th >1p. If you're just 10th in half of those categories, you already have 300+ hardware points. And being 10th isn't that difficult if you put a bit of effort into benching.
  18. Yes. Go back to the example I've given ... I'm assuming an equal amount of financial input. You agreed with me that skill/effort should be awarded more than money.
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