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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Check Wprime rankings; maybe you have an unlocked AMD that has changed categories.
  2. Thanks, added to backlog Achievements have been updated completely, we had to throw away the existing code.
  3. Primes and PCMark, most noticeably with the primes. Cleanup will take a couple of days ... so many users who have an insane 8x Core i7 920
  4. If you find any bugs, please note them down in this thread. Much appreciated, The HWBOT Staff.
  5. If the GPU = Ti4600 and Bios = Ti4600, then category = Ti4600. So yes Looking forward to see your results
  6. We gave the user the option to clean all his results. Apparently, he prefers us doing so using one button ... :-/. I hate it when this happen.
  7. Rev3-bot is taking over ... I cannot stop him
  8. ~ http://hwbot.org/competition/hoc_jan10 OFFICIAL WALLPAPER THAT NEEDS TO BE USED FOR ALL SCREENSHOTS: http://i49.tinypic.com/2m9zbm.jpg Questions and remarks go in here
  9. I've done similar articles already: - Tweaking the fastest AGP Based System - Part 1 - MSI P45-8D Memory Lover Motherboard Review (OC section) I hope you don't have the same issues like I experiences when reviewing that MSI combo board. Memory overclocking was a bitch.
  10. Quality of picture isn't really good ... I can just wait untill the boards are released to public and add a clear picture afterwards
  11. Picture is not good enough (right hand side)
  12. Gigabyte was in database already Added Intel pictures
  13. Pictures need to be without (or white) background
  14. High FSB is needed for the entire platform ... the bus is so inefficient I could cry. You can already see the difference in SuperPI 1M: increase the CPU multiplier and the result is so much worse
  15. I may have expressed myself incorrectly: NF2 doesn't benefit from TCCD because the northbridge is the limiting factor. So, switching to CL2,5 for TCCD doesn't help you to get higher FSB. And CL2 > CL2,5 if FSB remains equal. Further more, if you can do 280CL2, you need like 330CL2,5 for same performance.
  16. For A64 I'd opt for TCCD, I think, not sure why ... probably because it's easier to find a well-working 2x512MB kit. NF2 doesn't cope all too well with TCCD, so BH5 is the only way to go
  17. If you want 285 CL2-2-2-5 ... you need more vdimm
  18. Why the DDR Booster? Vdimm physical modification isn't that difficult in most cases.
  19. No need to post them again, we only need to change one checkbox
  20. - When the Gulftown is launched, we'll have a look at how to make categories. - Gulftown = 6 cores => 6x category; Current Core i7 = 4 cores => 4x category - Not automatically, but we'll do it manually. SuperPI is single threaded, so 1M and 32M will only have one global ranking.
  21. Does anyone have a good external thread about the Lanparty board? I need to figure out whether doing the cap modifications, ocp and vdroop is worth it.
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