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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Update ~ http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?p=4214236#post4214236
  2. Some pics for those who like to see the workspace:
  3. FYI, I quickly tried the Core i5 750 I have here and the problems with cold are still present :-/. Please, feel free to do the same testing and report feedback.
  4. The modification is as easy as it gets. Even I was able to do it . I'll post the batch of the CPU in this thread when I get the chance to clean the CPU.
  5. Good question ... this card should allow more. But I think I have another result with this HD4890 in my profile. Around 78k or so. There the memory frequency should be higher.
  6. Can you create a ticket in the helpcenter? I'm sure Turrican will be quicker than I am
  7. Yeah, submit as Radeon HD 3000 Does this category exist?
  8. Looks to be "Radeon HD 3000", not 3200. I guess 3200 is 790GX only.
  9. Without this limitation, we'll be seeing 12000MB/s ramdisks.
  10. is 760G = HD3200?
  11. Another update for this board. http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=970217 Went upto 5175 but didn't bother to take validation. QPI's in the right area Boards's incredibly strong in multi-threaded stress applications, but fails bigtime for the other 2D apps at the moment. I think I say enough when I state that SuperPI 1M isn't even stable at 230MHz. On the right path, but still work left to do
  12. I always figured Phenom II is CPC similar to Yorkfield, but slower than Nehalem?
  13. The memory clock is in jumps of ~ 10Mhz sometimes. GPU-Z reads out the frequency set, not the actual frequency. When's the next session planned? I'd like to see this GPU tackle 1.5V+
  14. As long as you correctly indicated the amount of used cores, there should be no problem anymore.
  15. Wprime 32M 1xCPU = http://hwbot.org/community/submission/930605_ // 14.8p 2xCPU = http://hwbot.org/community/submission/924562_ // 0.1p 3xCPU = http://hwbot.org/community/submission/942537_ // 2.4p 4xCPU = http://hwbot.org/community/submission/929366_ // 0.0p Wprime 1024M 1xCPU = http://hwbot.org/community/submission/930603_ // 8.4p 2xCPU = http://hwbot.org/community/submission/924560_ // 3.6p 3xCPU = http://hwbot.org/community/submission/942805_ // 2.8p 4xCPU = http://hwbot.org/community/submission/929367_ // 0.0p This looks alright, no?
  16. I'll have a look at it today
  17. Isn't Core i7 just a faster gaming platform than Phenom II?
  18. Interesting. Can the same technique be applied to X58 boards?
  19. This score was just a quick test session to see how far I can push this card on LN2. I suppose that the difference between my and your score is located in the GPU clocks?
  20. Last quick test for the day. Vcore ramps up to whatever I want and coldbug can be controlled very easily. For Wprime, this board is no doubt extremely solid ... I might even be able to push the chip harder than I did now as I'm getting BCLK limited. There's some issue with BCLK/MEM which is making the system seriously unstable. Can't run SPI 1M at wprime 1024M speeds LOL. Anyway, good for today ... have to wait a couple of weeks before I can run again; don't want to hit hwbot top-20 http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=967816
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