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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Last update before the break. - Tested UD6 more than a couple of times this week; same story: BCLK capabilities for 32M is inferior compared to the GD80. Efficiency at high clocks is inferior as well. It might be an issue with my configuration/OS/skill as other people are in fact producing quite good scores. - GD80 is back to HQ to get a couple of updates, for instance PCI-e clock improvements.
  2. There's an issue with the google friendly URL's, so the direct page for the 9800GTX+ is currently not functioning properly. We're working on a fix; in the meantime the method of TerraRaport is the best way to sort the scores.
  3. User submits, so points are awarded. We set them to no boints straight away, but it takes some time for the engine to remove the points. Don't worry: gulf is bointless.
  4. http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=233692
  5. Now, it looks like the threadstarter has been smoking unhealthy stuff before posting this thread ... sorry Kenny!
  6. I think the same when I see mismatched forum entries ...
  7. Jmke prefers a hwbottle of wine with his meal ...
  8. Spend money on food or spend money on hardware; you can't have both
  9. That was actually the message to begin with, but that was probably assuming that the hardware we'd be playing would not be retail or very much handpicked. Given the current situation where the hardware used is ordinary off-the-shelves hardware it would be weird not to throw them in the rankings.
  10. Yes, why not? They are just normal scores; nothing fancy.
  11. Oops, missed this one. Competitions are at this point only manageable by hwbot staff because we're still ironing out bugs and coding a user interface.
  12. There's this one score that keeps coming back (E21x0 entry, but E8500 used) ... that one's really bugging me
  13. It's a bit more tricky than anticipated.
  14. Next posts in a language that does not equal 'english' will be deleted
  15. Please, english only.
  16. Oh you used an 'or' in the question! The posts will be updated
  17. Categories might have been merged? Not sure what happened really
  18. For setups with two different types of graphic processor, the following rule is in order: always post in the category of the best performing hardware. So, for instance, HD3300 + HD4870X2 = 2 x HD4870X2 2x = TWO graphics processors HD4870X2 = category of best performing hardware.
  19. nogal lastig om te lezen, nie, john?
  20. As for S_A_V's score, it might be a matter of comparing highly optimised scores to non-optimised scores. There's a difference on all levels in hardware configuration and probably also software optimisation (even drivers are different), so it's actually quite difficult to compare. If the score's obviously bugged, please don't submit it, but if there's a difference in GFX/CPU score I wouldn't panic straight away. There is, by the way, also a difference between XP and Vista concerning the GFX scores. On Vista you can reach higher scores.
  21. Doesn't really look like cheats. The tricky thing with AM3 is that the CPU and GFX scores are both affected by the GPU and CPU power, not seperately. You can check for yourself: your CPU score will go up if you use a low-end card (= less gpu power) even if the frequency is the same. I wouldn't rely on the subtest scores to call cheat.
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