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Everything posted by Massman

  1. The conversation underneath would suggest that the PC is yours, given the flowers on the side.
  2. Thursday next week, IIRC.
  3. TWKR is allowed; C3 revision chips also (as NDA passed 4th of November, which was the starting date of the country cup)
  4. Can you please link to the result?
  5. I guess JMke is still planting flowers ...
  6. Ah, I need that section to show of my "Land mower II Extreme" and "Garden Hose Classified", and especially my new "Sabertooth Sprinkler System", which comes with military class components.
  7. Ah, now I see. Well, he's right, you do plant your flowers fantasticly!
  8. Look at it from the bright side: the moment you break that world record, you will feel SO happy
  9. ? Because it has already started?
  10. Yes. We are aware of that . Who said this was supposed to be easy?
  11. I wouldn't draw conclusions based on an incomplete dataset. All we can say at this moment is that fewer people submit earlier in the week.
  12. For the record: I am not participating for any prizes . Just teasing you overclockers.
  13. If the verification is perfect (cpuz cpu, mem, mobo) and you have a matching setup picture you can upload a score achieved before 15th of nov
  14. The stage limitation is: "SuperPI 32M with AMD".
  15. No issue with that here, Psynapse. Can't seem to find where it went wrong. Maybe RB finds the problem.
  16. Don't make an elephant from a fly ... by just adding those scores to the list we're not "demolishing" OC. If anything, you should be mad at Intel for allowing samples this early get away. Remember: this issue can only occur if Intel (or AMD for that matter) allows their engineering samples to go out in public. By the way, the fact that they show up the world records page is because they get the same status as any other "non-hwboint"-ed score.
  17. Just checked the list of submissions using an MSI motherboard since 14/11. No other scores are not linked.
  18. I do recall some people having to perform an OCP modification to get to 1.3G
  19. Apparently, the result was attached to the competition, but not to the competition stage. I updated this manually in the database, so the score is now visible in the competition page.
  20. Is that because these cards can be unlocked?
  21. Ticket ID: 680 Priority: High Please merge accounst ASAP\r\n\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/community/user/Delex\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/community/user/Delex-GiaXi
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