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Everything posted by Massman

  1. You can only gain global points once
  2. I've send a mail to No_name
  3. You can always mention your fellow benchers in the description of the result
  4. I'm coming after you to be n°1 hwbot crew member! Only 430 points to go ... j/k, great accomplishment
  5. Both were fixed by another crew member
  6. All fixed. The reason why those first four were not changed is that those users already had better scores in the same category. When those were moved to the s939 category, these took their place as best s754.
  7. I guess with the little difference between the max oc with one or two cores it pays off to disable one By the way, have you already tested your E6700 with ln²?
  8. Our dearest hardware king, Thrasher has reached the age of 36. Congratulations and I hope many years will follow.
  9. Yeah, but I'm pretty sure Team Japan uses this setting also (maybe we should ask them ).
  10. I get some kind of error
  11. Massman


    Will it count for hwboints too?
  12. Shouldn't this be: /numproc=1 ?
  13. Limits for all hardware, old and new. The limitation is only for the maximum amount of hardware points you can get for the member league. You can still submit as many results as you want, because the points above 300 (the limit for the hardware points) still count for the team league.
  14. Bio-engineer? What does he know about cooling stuff Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this pot. Will it be ready before the 17th of august?
  15. Enlighten us without bashing a person or community
  16. Good goal, but you too know that the design for dry ice performance tubes =/= the design of ln² performance tubes . I was kinda hoping on a sketch of the internals
  17. There is no such thing like deleting old hardware from the hwboints system, just limitations on the amount of points ONE user can get from the total amount of hardware points. Look at Hipro5: he hasn't benched older systems, but has also has hit the 300 hardware points barrier.
  18. tuned for dry ice or ln²?
  19. Not entirely true, lods have been questioned a lot in the past. XS has had lots of threads regarding the use of lods when Ati users didn't have the possibility to alter the level of detail.
  20. 44.03 drivers? I remember those drivers giving a huge boost in nature due to some modifications. They were not approved by the community, but in the end, many benchers used them to get their top position. Does FM regard lods as cheating?
  21. Lod doesn't really alter the code as it's defined by driver settings. It's kinda like the AA and AF settings: it changes the way the videocard has to render the given course, it doesn't change it. Theoretically, changing the resolution should be considered as a tweak IF it's all about the highest 3DMark01 score. But we can't compare those results to the ones we currently have. In order to be able to compare, you always need a set of ground rules, which are easy to verify. FM doesn't offer the details of the lod used in a bench, so no one would really know if the score was lod tweaked or not. If FM decides to prevent lod tweaks by inserting a lod prevention tool in their next 3D bench, I would be 100% ready to bench without the lod tweaks ... but untill then, they just help us to push the hardware a little further. (I guess, 3dmark03?) You can still see it's a butterfly, you can still see the water coming down from the hill, you can still see the turtle, you can still see the rock where the butterfly is landing on ... you still know what it's about. It's not like you're running the wireframe and can't see what the creators intended to show. Last sentence is absolutley correct, but why shouldn't we use the tools nVidia itself gave us? That's indeed the point when talking about real ingame performance and benchmark performance. When you want to compare two videocards and want to see the performance ingame, you use a real game and all standard settings. If you want to test and compare just how fast the videocard can be compared to another one, you can use synthetic benchmarks and try to let it as fast as possible. Lods are given to us as they're inside the nVidia drivers, so we can use them. Lod48 in NVHardpage = lod3 in riva, if I'm not mistaken. You can set lods to 15 in rivatuner with a small tweak in the power users' tab. It's true, though, that AM3 doesn't like lods at all. I remember lod 1.9(!) gave me the best result when I was benching the Ti200 a long time ago. Prolly faster because it took away a little of the cpu load, not because the gpu hade to render fewer details Higher clocks is definitly true, especially for the 3dmark01. If you tweak each test (7 in total), you normally have 7 different lod settings and 7 different frequencies. In nature, for example, I'm mostly able to set the clocks 20mhz higher than I would when benching lod0.
  22. So disabling AA and AF in rivatuner would't count either?
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