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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Yeap, we're aware of the situation. Thanks for the heads up, Cyclone
  2. All needed screens are there. Weren't palomino unlockable? Edit: as it's my teammate, I'll ask him right now Edit2: it's a 2000+ palomino, Everest had troubles reading the cpu specifications . I'll fix his scores
  3. Not blocked, the bot just needed a rescan
  4. No screen: they were uploaded via the online submition system of wPrime. The invalid problem was a problem we had with early versions.
  5. Auch, missed that My mistake, sorry.
  6. Probably the post-processing problem. I will look at the score again if he has it uploaded to the orb. I can also make mistakes
  7. Than this scores is wrong, 1K lead over the second with an AMD X2 ?? No way
  8. Can you link me to the exact score? I edit/block so many scores By the way, there do exist something like PM/Mail
  9. the score is way older than 9 months
  10. No, we will block the scores which are at 1280x800 resolution
  11. Working on it Should be okay now
  12. Fixed Look at the date, this score has been up since a long time and hasn't been reported by anyone except you. This is legit by date
  13. I'll check this tomorrow afternoon
  14. I'll fix them next monday, now I'm ready to leave for a lanparty
  15. I can give you a list of all the members who have been banned already, but that's not going to help, is it? Don't think because we don't ban in public that we don't ban at all. We just don't want to blow things up too much. Not every wrong entry is a cheat and we can only ban if we're 100% sure. Every report is taking into account and most of the reports we get from people who notice another teams/members bending the rules too much is mostly posted on the crew forums before we get the PM/mail.
  16. Maybe we should do a poll, but I'm afraid that would only scare people away.
  17. Lol, HWbot is in fact a relaxation therapy for me, as I have to study to redo an exam
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