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Everything posted by OLDcomer

  1. 1) DDR3 2400 7-10-7-26 1T?
  2. DDR3 2400 7-10-7-26 1T?
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R200 ATI RADEON 8500LE Review By Vince Freeman March 11, 2002 http://www.sharkyextreme.com/hardware/videocards/article.php/989321/ATI-RADEON-8500LE-Review.htm Hercules 3D Prophet 8500 LE By Alexandra Krasne, Capsule Review May 22, 2002 1:00 AM http://www.pcworld.com/article/100783/article.html http://www.digitimes.com/NewsShow/Article.asp?datePublish=2002/12/26&pages=05&seq=21
  4. What about RADEON 8500LE/9100/9000/9000 PRO? They were released in 2002.
  5. Greeks learned their lesson to disable sysinfo in 3/4 CF configurations when running 3dMark 2011 on AMD cards: http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=34895
  6. Not NVIDIA again. You gotta be kidding me. Last year was GF200 limitiation and now 3DMark03 Nvidia SLI Challenge and Low-end NVantage.
  7. When you start a new job and the first thing you do is run some benches on your workstation. When you go to bed earlier because you've checked weather forecast and concluded that benching at 6 o'clock will give you the lowest ambient. When during one of your open window bench sessions, the rain starts to pour in your room but you can't close it and put some rags around, because the dammned physics test just started. When you telling to your friends how awesome is winter because you can do some nice benching.
  8. Do you plan to include any GPGPU test, for example OpenCL? If so, will you include it in the scoring formula?
  9. We didn't have SR2. Only one SR2 in the whole country and it was loaded with some critical business stuff so we couldn't make use of it. Even though we got 2 x e5620, there was no sense to put them in the competition without OC. Congratulations to all for the great results!
  10. I see six on this paparazzi photo from Aristidis's overclocking session: //kidding Great score on a great board!
  11. @FM_Jarnis: And what about GT4 and my problem? Check the GPU usage in the first and second image which I provided above. It is very annoying.
  12. Wow, I finally managed to obtain decent GT4 score on my W3670. Re-run and you'll succeed Feel my pain: Poor GT4 score: Decent GT4 score: SysInfo Disabled, default tesselation level
  13. I hate this benchmark. My pain is GT4. In most cases I get really poor results with 2xHD5970 in this particular test. With my old Core i7 960 re-runing enough times eventually brings me a normal score but now with my Xeon W3670 I have no success. Combined score is another pain but playing with System Info check box and re-runing enough times bring decent score. I will try playing with the tesselation level.
  14. Oh, I finally realize what are you talking guys: UCBench window -> Country combo box
  15. +1 for this essential hwbot feature.
  16. A bunch of SSD drives bundled with some fancy ARECA controller card or a bunch of GTX580/HD6990 are mainstream? Wow!
  17. I miss a stage with hardware limitation: ATI 5xxx which is very popular among bitcoin nerds.
  18. Intel® Xeon® Processor W3670: http://ark.intel.com/products/47918/Intel-Xeon-Processor-W3670-%2812M-Cache-3_20-GHz-4_80-GTs-Intel-QPI%29
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