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Everything posted by GtiJason

  1. I wouldn't really worry about i7 6 core with MOCF's VRM, other non OC boards sure. Now looking forward to the small chance the rumoured mainstream 8 core could work on Z170 MOCF I may actually have to put the heatsinks back on. lol
  2. Kics are you SonyHD ? Is that like me showing up on results discusions on hwbot non forum site as an Italian named HardMad ? lol
  3. Dice in a slim pot can be a disaster, nice job. That kit of psc can do 2666c8 tight (standard L0udSilence timings) 32m/waza on z97 OCF at 1.920v so I bet Jesse is using similar
  4. You been looking for quite some time. Is EBay not an option for you ? Previous High end/Rare cards have finally started to come back, cards I haven't seen for 2 years even. Such as Mars, Ares, Matrix, Classy's, Kingpin, SOC and Lightnings. Here is what's available right now. I'm sure someone would be willing to help you out if purchasing on ebay or shipping is a problem
  5. Quad BBSE on ln2, Impressive ! Nice to see you back
  6. same thing here ! Also getting tired of explaining that hwbot user "HardMad" is actually GtiJason when I comment on subs
  7. Now that the recalc has finished I'm wondering how I should go about getting my Road to Pro Div II Points รท 2 straightened out. They have been at 0 since around the begining of March. Should I go into my account and do a full recalculation, or just recalc the Submissions in question from OCESports ? Or something different all together ? Thanks Much !
  8. I'm just playing devils advocate, points wise for me keeping original gpupi is obviously best since I can't bring my dead gems back to life or buy back the ones I've sold. It's just guys like Matthias should be rewarded for their hard work and since GPUPI is a tribute to the Hardware Terminator and true legend Turrican it should be treated the way Mat believes he'd want.
  9. Wonder why this hasn't been done with XTU then, per core (w/ HT) has artificially gone from 330 points 4770k 330+/- To 8700K 470+/- Is it fair to say there's been a real world 42% increase per core (at same clock, 5ghz) from Haswell to Coffee ? Just Sayin'
  10. I remember when this gpu and gpu pi was new 32-33 seconds was fast.In fact I won my one and only challenge? like that
  11. Yeah thats me, I spent 2 rough weeks working on getting that gold but am happy about the change. We NEED active developers like mat in our community. GPU PI works for both cpu and gpu and does it well, doesn't cost much, has one of the best anti cheat integration and isn't hwbot prime. (aka "Slot Machine") or XTU (favors slower hardware just because it's new and Intel wants all your monies)
  12. Just a hair faster than the rest ! + 2s Good Work
  13. 1.270v on lcd display, 1.240v load. I didn't check this with dmm. The 2250Mhz validate is at 1.350v
  14. Since Asrock bios chips typically are not soldered that tool (tl866)or similar is the best choice. If you want a super cheap option for soldered or not myself and several others use these guys https://www.ebay.com/itm/CH341A-Series-SPI-Flasher-USB-Programmer-24-25-EEPROM-BIOS-Writer-USB-to-TTL/162329937400?epid=0&hash=item25cb9e45f8:g:Uj0AAOSwZQRYWk7l https://www.ebay.com/itm/1pcs-SOIC8-SOP8-Flash-Chip-IC-Test-Clips-Socket-Adpter-BIOS-24-25-93-Programmer/202057033231?hash=item2f0b89a60f:g:WXYAAOSwaWhZvSh8
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