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Everything posted by GtiJason

  1. Nice to see SI's submission made it in time, good job on 1st stage guys. Now lets see some burning gk208's please
  2. This is fantastic, lets make it happen this year !
  3. Have not found anyone to drive with and too far to do solo. Lets get dates figured out so I can book a flight, the price has already gone up $30 in last 2 weeks. Since I'll mot likely be flying el cheapo Frontier airlines probably wont get to bring much. I'd guess whatever I can fit in carry-on, maybe 2 mobo's, one pot, few cpu's, 2d gpu, maybe 980ti kpe or legacy w/ mods, several kits of psc, sammy, bbse, hypers etc. possibly psu in checked luggage. Most likely splitting room with Strong Island whatever days he'll be there and trying to figure out the rest since only affordable flights leave on Thursdays and return home either Sunday noonish or Tuesday same time. Just need Allen to confirm yes and all of Caseking US will be there .Lets get some more definate yes's going guys !
  4. Very nice hardware, I'd try to make a deal if OC GTG in PA wasn't a thing. GLWS !
  5. Who is this guy, Machinest taking over. Good work, well deserved
  6. Any idea what this is worth, it appears to be in minty fresh condition and all of the packages are included and unoppened. I bought it for Summer spectacular and Beat the Heat comps but need to focus on a backlog of other OC toys Link to full album Z170X-SOC FORCE • For Sale • - Album on Imgur
  7. no waterblock, just an old DD universal I had but too small for proper mounting so used ss gpu mount backplate like so any idea what a green dot and the letter A mean ? price somewhere between $0.01 - 1199.99 usd Sorry for thread hijack, but may be interested in sell trade soonish
  8. I just got my first kpe, if it wasn't brand new I'd be all over a deal since I need a gtx 1070 for div 2. Not 86asic or whatever but 83.7 and does about 1600core undervolted to 1141mv some benches like superposiion and all at 1151mv. Stock cooler/paste etc. Mems here (2073) at 1.73v but do 2170 at 1.77v max i've benched on air EDIT, sorry 2nd pick was quick test on rigged Danger den aio gpu block, i'll find the air tests. I decided to pull that block and will go right to ss phase soon Just under 1600 since mems were highly oc'd, easy to tell what cooler by looking at suerposition temps
  9. Bought an el cheapo gt730 but GPU-Z is calling it a gt630. I know it wont be competitive since it's a DDR3 ver. but I may not be able to buy another and already bought a Z170x SOC Force and average 7350k. Question is, is it allowed. Core is GK208-301-A1 28nm 64bit bus 1024mb ram with same default clocks as gt730 pictured GPU-Z tab of mine on left vs a gt730 sub by IntelGuy
  10. Let me know if you want a passenger to help chip in for fuel, I'd be happy to drive to your neck of the woods and roll with you from there !
  11. Splendid performance mate, good show...good show !
  12. Interesting development, but skipping 1215 making it hard for RS. Great work !
  13. Nice work and Awesome diy mem heater
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