Have not found anyone to drive with and too far to do solo. Lets get dates figured out so I can book a flight, the price has already gone up $30 in last 2 weeks. Since I'll mot likely be flying el cheapo Frontier airlines probably wont get to bring much. I'd guess whatever I can fit in carry-on, maybe 2 mobo's, one pot, few cpu's, 2d gpu, maybe 980ti kpe or legacy w/ mods, several kits of psc, sammy, bbse, hypers etc. possibly psu in checked luggage. Most likely splitting room with Strong Island whatever days he'll be there and trying to figure out the rest since only affordable flights leave on Thursdays and return home either Sunday noonish or Tuesday same time. Just need Allen to confirm yes and all of Caseking US will be there .Lets get some more definate yes's going guys !