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Everything posted by GtiJason

  1. Thank you Pieter, I'm excited for this but I really should be concentrating on new Impact VII and mOCF. Too bad I already started selling HW/DC and Sammy D/PSC ,xe. Good thing I've stacks on racks of it
  2. MPower....uh hrmmm I've heard that somewhere. Good job man, I'm sure your room is nice and toasty!
  3. Darren, it's a stick up . . . gimme that 980ti now boy! Awesome work bud, new nick should be DiceMasta. Sorry Inforgot to comment on this earlier
  4. I would love this, and know several others on OCN that would be ecstatic
  5. Is this #5 from caseking cpu's, if not any screenies?
  6. cpu price? says 300 per card thats 780ti price
  7. This is just crazy, I can't believe 3000c9 12-12-18 is 300ms faster.
  8. He's not lying about that, Only #1 ASRock Z170 OC Formula and #5 Patriot Sector5 2400c9 PSC ddr3 left .
  9. Hmmm, never tried wazza like that before, SPi on C ?
  10. Received an Impact vii and good set of psc from Dumo today as an apology for delay. I've been told my Under-the-Ice Monsta SS will be shipped shortly. Again these items we sent free of charge so I think that says a lot about his charactor and that he means well. Thanks Dumo
  11. GtiJason

    SS, Pots and dewar

    Impact vii and Pi memory arrived today, dumo had mentioned he had the MB when we first talked. These are extra items for my inconvienece that I did not pay for. So thank you for this, quick test on air shows these are the best 17600CL7-2GBPID I've owned. 2666c8 loud bin tight under 1.9v, first boot.
  12. Midwest represent, even though Ohio is a bit east.
  13. Sales finalized with Samsarulz and MadDutchDude, shipping hardware Monday, thanks guys
  14. "Memory can be everything besides B-die (to make sure everyone is equipped in time)" Wait, what... in North America we have been able to buy these since early December 2015. That's four months. Based on the above logic AFR must not be allowed
  15. I'm going to be selling mems as soon as binning is complete, and since I'm the only one who truly knows what I have it will make it fair. Getting pm's from people trying to reserve my goldens/picking out certain kits they know I have. Since I've only found a handful of each psc/sammy out of the dozens tested I want to give everyone a fair chance instead of just saving them for my friends or guys on my team, that live in the Midwestern region of the US and have green eyes////// well you know what I mean
  16. I like it ! Speaking of fun, I'm trying for 15's on air with this ..... And if that doesn't work then maybe I'll give this a try Now I'm excited to see what you do, 4770K or 4790K with what mems? I'd love to see some timings too. That advice you gave me, is it just for 4770 or is 4790 compatible? I know so many ?'s so little results
  17. PM Sent !
  18. Nice work ! Usually tRDRD_dr has to be 5 as well, like 4-5-4-(13,14or15)-4-4-4-4-4-((10-10-8)(9-9-7)or(8-8-6))-12-2-2-0-11000
  19. GtiJason

    SS, Pots and dewar

    Haha, I knew that was coming. It's just a work phone, I switched to the cheapest phones I could find after I broke 3 i phones in 7 months while at work. I've got a nice android phone for nights and weekends
  20. GtiJason

    SS, Pots and dewar

    Update, things appear to be heading in a positive direction
  21. Update, things appear to be heading in a positive direction
  22. Price drops on all items !
  23. GtiJason

    SS, Pots and dewar

    That's what I hear, he's a good guy. Sounds sincere on the phone but lack of contact is what's frustrating. I bought this SS to compete in G.Skill comp as well as an Impact VIII, already binned some fantastic mems but have no way to compete. LN2 budget has been sucked dry, I have a 20l I was going to fill one time because it costs $50.43 to fill... after trying cpu and mems on SS first. I paid for this on February 28th, I was expecting to have it sometime in March, when April appeared on the calendar is when the frustration kicked in. I feel like I should have stuck to my original plan and went to HWBot Tour stop in Canada instead
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