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Everything posted by GtiJason

  1. Thanks much, any idea on what you want for those mems?
  2. You have PM, am interested in 4. F3-16000CL6D-4GBPIS $175
  3. Any luck w server change, im guessing this shows plastidip etc in syringe to protect between mem slots
  4. Those are nice but I have four sticks that can do this, I saw that post before and thought about asking but already have 8 sticks that do 2800. What I really want is 2933+ on air samsungs dom ps a plus and psc that can do 2900+ 6 10 6 on lin. This is why I said looking for rare and expensive. One. Killer set of each
  5. I am currently trying to find a proven set of each. For psc G.Skill bins of 2000 c6 and up are prefered as well as 8155 pcb as I will be using these cold. Obviously how they actually perform is the most important quality so 1600 mhz and up will definatly be considered. 2 by 2 gb is fine 4 by 2gb considered but I see that being very expensive. Looking for kits that are generally valued today at $200+ USD. For Samsung I prefer to buy a kit of 4+4 gb Corsair 2666 c10 Dom P's, but being very rare will consider 2600-2666 G.Skill tridetx or similar. I understand I am asking for the best and most desired kits and am prepared to compensate fairly
  6. Sure thing, I had to leave behind a freshly prepped oc formula, and new unused soc force, xpower and second oc formula since I think that dielectric twisted some pins with the pressure of the ekwb inflection point pot. As well as a full dewar since I am working out of state this week. I thought about making the jump to z170 but am still learning haswell since I got a late start. I just got a highly binned 4770k that does 6000 mhz at 1.4v to try out too. Want to see if it can validate at 6500. Supposed to have a good imc
  7. You sure do, that is pretty amazing. I've seen some good results posted using the Gskill Pi 2000 cl6 mems. Sure better than my 2200 c7 pi's. Good thing I have two sets of high bin psc heading my way, one g.skill two times the copper.......the other just eight layers but five sectors. Hehe what could they be?
  8. Ill take patriot kit. continue pm
  9. Didn't you have X99 when it first came out, maybe I'm thinking of someone else but I swear you had a 5820k. I was looking into it for myself but decided to stick with Haswell. Anyways, you certainly have squeezed a lot from that hardware, maybe you need to get creative and get some cheap used parts and sell em after snatching some HWBoints. Too bad you live so far, I'd have you work for me
  10. pics are broken, is there somewhere else to see your solution
  11. I hear ya, I have about $2000.00 worth of ddr3 mems, Mobo's, video cards and cpu's I have not even touched yet and only about 2 bench sessions in the last 2 months because I started a remodeling business with a buddy. Used to have the time but little money, then when you finally get money you can't enjoy it. I've also got 20L on ln2 sitting in the garage for the last 2 weeks that I am dying to use. Thanks for the reply but I just gave it a shot in windows and worked no problem
  12. Did you do this with a DOS Bootable usb drive or in Windows?
  13. They appear to be dual by looking at the picture. My Klevv Urbane 2x4gb 2800 c12's are single MFR but my G.Skill TridentX 4x4gb 2800 C11's are dual CFR's
  14. Nice, I already use crc quick dry, and own both a heat gun and compressor. I guess for quick indoor (large compressor) use my DataVac elec duster would work if I hold it away a bit Thanks Splave and Loud
  15. Beat me to it, I would like the voltcraft,and possibly bbse. What is the 6*2 stt psc ram
  16. You can seriously clean MB using the dishwasher? I assume you must give it a day or two to dry, just seems dangerous to me. Does the cpu cover stay on pretty well?
  17. I have done this many times and found that after 2 - 3 hours the paper towel is pretty wet so I just used some kneaded eraser covered with paper towel (aka blue shop towels) on one board and a little vas covered w towels on the other. I also found that applying an extremely thin layer of dielectric grease on the cpu itself helps a lot as well. When I had my rig in a case things were actually much worse and destroyed a motherboard because the paper towels didn't catch all the small drips once I went to a bench table it was all good. My biggest advice is that condensation only happens with air, so if you can wrap the cpu area good with towels it will barely get moist and anything else you want dry DO NOT have a fan blowing at it, make sure to have air blowing away from board and you will have less problems
  18. Oh man, I was looking to make an offer today. I wonder who bought them, I know Websmile was looking for a set?
  19. Here on original post you write "500 Euro + Shipping Payment Paypal." Something must have been lost in translation, maybe someone could help to figure this out
  20. The cpu have only 2 or 3 session @ln2 no degrading. now i using cpu x45@ 1.10 on waater cooling The 3d mark 03 submission looks good, any idea on shipping all I need is the cpu in tray and any upc or warranty info if left from mice attack. When I buy ram from overseas they just ship in padded envelope and cost only about 10 euro. Plus I never had to pay customs fee for anything just a signature, but with expensive cpu maybe customs fee if insured? I do like the cpu, nice chip so why are you selling, to move on to 2011-3 or to fund some other hardware. Anyways if you can look into shipping and customs fees and I will do research too I would love to own the i7 but if customs and shipping is very expensive I will have to buy from the USA. My budget was $450 us but for golden sample like yours I can spend a bit more you live in US? if you pay ship and custom i can ship cpu to US. sorry for my bad english For warranty intel want only chip, no cooler no box. batch are white at heatsink I can ship in pluriball letter to USA cost is around 10 euro Sell this cpu for move to now 6700K if you want more info ask me Have you got my other message, I do want to buy chip today so what is your best price shippied and I would need your paaypal info to send the money please wait a few hourr, i have one european buyer @my price (530 USD = 480 euro) and i perfer ship in europe for safety pack. i think you understanding me.... I will pay your price I don't know conversion rate since I'm working. Ok, my paypal is ***** good for 500 ***8364; (around 546 USD) i receve only 468.22 euro, i not pay the tax If you look above I ask you what is the price shipped and for PayPal info,You told me to send you 546 USD. I sent you 546usd, and in the for sale page it says Payment Method is Paypal. It says nothing about paying the PayPal fee. If you prefer PayPal as your method of payment you need to state in your original for sale ad that buyer must pay the fee
  21. Payment sent, thanks for the updated screenshots and info
  22. Wow....you don't see these often and if you do they are not for sale. I want them so bad but not sure I can justify spending that today as I am planning on getting i7 6700k in a week or so and have no DDR4 yet
  23. Where are the item descriptions, all I see is %
  24. Nice, I have been wondering why you couldn't even boot 2800 C9 on the sammies. I have been thinking about getting a Z97 OC Force, so I have a good board from all the top brands but was having my doubts since Ram tweaking is what I enjoy. I already knew the LN2 version was good but it's hard to find a new or unmolested one for sale. You don't happen to live in the greater Milwaukee area do you, I stopped at Praxair today for some dice and get my final cost on Dewar rental and the guy said another guy has been coming in recently as well and they thought I was the only guy using there products for Overclocking up until now. Sure would like to find out who since I don't know anyone else who enjoys this kind of fun like we do.Goos job man, so are you still going to sell the other 2 sticks...I say keep em
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