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Everything posted by zeneffect

  1. before throwing more money at the problem, please post up your voltage and timings. 2 (or 3, 4, 5, 10) minds are better than 1. also what slots are you using? the orange or black? I get higher clocks in orange slots. @ sin it totally WAS NOT weed. I think i ended up smoking some month old broccoli last night.
  2. timing is all wrong. i will be in the Czech Republic on jan 11th...
  3. only thing i can suggest is better bbse if it cant do 2400 c11 then most likely, there is no hope for them. i would imagine you know what the voltage limits and timings are supposed to be so the only thing left is the sticks themselves. if you can put up your settings and mabye we can spot something that was overlooked? @leeghoofd good to see that you got psc working as well... that was soooo last month though *edit* on a side note... and waaaay off topic. I found something stuck to my sock that looks a whole lot like weed. should I smoke it?
  4. lowered ddr pwm freq to 250. you need to install the oc touch drivers
  5. slew + ddr pwm frequency. i couldnt even get 2800 to post before.
  6. 2800 done with kingstons.
  7. cpu multi isnt working with oc keys in f5n. minor issue tbh, ln2 switch works fine and at 63x multi bclk is granular enough to work with. gear button doesnt light up, but still functions... though it could be my board? bclk from onboard buttons functions as intended. pcs = good samsung = good bbse = good hynix = good almost there, just 1 more revision with minor fixes...
  8. psc all settings were set manually, samsungs, the only thing touched was skew.
  9. im working on psc tonight, but a quick test with sammys are encouraging. first time ive been able to do this... set xmp + slew 4 = no 51 and 32m stable. I want to try to push to 2800 before switching to PSC so it might be a day or two before I can put up a pic @ 2600 c8 air (again ) as time is limited for me as Ive got other work that I need to knock out first. SLEW 4 (both) made ALL the difference on this bios. *edit* imc wont go above 2780 on air... testing on PSC now. 2600 multi memory works?!? Alby, we might have ourselves a BIOS here! gotta run it through its paces, but its looking goooooooood (so far) *edit edit* not enough time to fine tune 32m stability (picked the hardest sticks ive got to work with) but this bios is definitely worth trying out. its got *almost* everything I want. its missing the misc sub menu and its contents like pcie gen switching and legacy benchmark optimization. quick "relevant" benchmark with PSC SLEW 2 (both) treat the psc or samsung like you would on other boards (loose but general target timings for compatibility...) my findings: samsungs = slew 4 psc = slew 2 hope this helps. Marc, (or is it Mark?) Im not trying to troll you or anything and this is a genuine question. Do you have a UP7, and if so, how much have you tested on it? Are you seeing the same results as Leghoofd and I?
  10. dont need a video, just the spd dump... but if you WANT to make a video... load xmp boot windows run 32m. i can get the xmp working to a degree with f5j but will fail 32m. this is why im doubting the sticks now.
  11. this was a kind of one off bios based upon overclocker requests. in no way was it expected to be stable or have all features work. sin, can you dump your spd and send it to me? i want to compare against mine to see if there is any diff (i doubt it) these issues and your comment are making me doubt my sticks.
  12. dram voltage isnt either.
  13. prefer the grape ape.
  14. tried just about everything. f5m looks like it was built from f5f based upon the the way the ddr voltage screen looks. up7 has soo much potential, but its held back by bios. 1 (really) good bios could be a game changer. can verify stasio is correct, furthest slots work best. f5j, psc will run to 2580 on 1,3 and 2620 on 2,4. i havent had the up5 in the rig for a while now. mabye its time to throw it in and finish up a software project ive been working on.
  15. just set xmp on f5m. 2666 boots 0 issue now. checked vtt with dmm and it does in fact set default. in bios it says profile vtt is 1.35, but actual is default as you said. thanks for the heads up. *edit* scratch that. im having 0 problms because its not setting 2666. stuck at 1333 currently, will try re-flash. (xmp + setting multi manually) *edit edit* cant change memory freq with F5m. dram voltage stays 1.5 regardless of bios setting. it seems there is alot wrong with this bios release. looks alot like f5f as the bug in dram ref voltage shows weird value instead of auto. leggy, id skip this one. many things wrong (but please do test to see if you getting same results) still wanting/waiting for a good oc bios with sku and enough things that work to bench with for some 32m fun. dino, hicookie, massman, anybody? id be willing to try "test" bios just for fun id send an in and out tshirt to match the lanyard *wink wink* for a good ln2 bios.
  16. yes (with memory injection method) and yes
  17. if you hard crash, just hit reset button. 50% of time it will recover and you can still boot with full pot. its alot easier to set like 108 bclk with low multi, and ram set for the "target" freq + timings (i.e. you expect xxxx clock so you set timings accordingly even though you havent reached those clocks yet. basically giving yourself some headroom... why am i even telling you the things you already know... time to ramble and play with the special characters *((@&(&(*!(*)(#@!*$)(!) then setup in gtl once in windows or use the OC buttons. if you crash, hit reset and it will go to "safety" 108bclk clocks you set in bios and you will boot right up with full pot. ive been able to bench for hours @ full pot without ever having to warm up. this works 100% of the time for me. you can be even speedier and use the team.au utility and set a preset button so once you boot, you set the preset and fine tune from there. boot to benching if done right can take less than 40 seconds from low clock to full tilt. the key is setting 100% stable boots and fussing with the memory before going below cbb. with the right pre-setup you will get (almost) never get reverted back to 100bclk. thats the advantage of the oc buttons i dont mean to be telling anybody "this is how they shoud run" this is just how i run and find the most trouble free benching. on a side note... i have been manually setting vtt + imc with the xmp. xmp wants to put vtt at 1.3something. im not too comfortable with that and set 1.2vtt 1.15 imc. chip is capable of 2800 with this kit on "other" boards with these volts. *edit* Leghoofd, take a look at bios F5m (latest) vcore is now 2.1v max + slew rates. Lets play with some PSC
  18. you might want to use a proper sandy board then. p67ud5 was pretty killer iirc http://www.mediafire.com/?a9iilopes78c56z f3oc. got the link from the tt giga bios thread.
  19. will you be using more than 1.85 vcore? if so, best bet is to do to the f3 oc bios and use bbse. the board is pretty smooth with that combo and it gives proper oc volts. why are you using sandy on up7?
  20. with f5j, if you lose ability to set ram multi, clear cmos, then set it. ive had this problem a few times as well, clear cmos always does the trick. you will be able to change multi's for a while then when you 51 too many times it kicks back to default and stays there. mabye i try flashing both bios and take it off of single bios mode. f5f gives a weird value for me in dram voltage settings. @ hicookie testing in that review was done on UD5, not UP7.
  21. Will give this a shot. home sick today so ive got a little time to tinker around. Thanks for taking the time to write this up and help debug the issues we are seeing. I think the UP7 has alot of potential, its just very hard to work with unless you really know the board and your memory. *edit* quick test 3770K - UP7 - Kingston HyperX Preadator 2666 kit xmp profile 1 = 51 xmp profile + following your guide = 51 xmp profile + following your guide + tRW Stability level 32 + tWR Stability level 32 = full post, not 32m stable will check to see if slew helps any for gaining 32m stability. xmp sets ram voltage to 1.68? (opened gtl, 1.68 is automatically set)
  22. thanks sin, f5j has "other" problems as well, but they are workable. a major one being you have to clear cmos for settings to take every so often. i find this alot when switching between psc and samsungs.. takes like 3 or 4 cmos resets before its back to "normal" f3oc works well with bbse as Aristidis has also confirmed. 2600 multi works if you fanagel the dram voltage settings. once you get a good post its advisable to save the profile as in my experience, it wont work sometimes if you set manually to the same settings, but tends to work 98% of the time when you load a working profile.
  23. zero, use ab 2.2.0 if you dont know what this is, or how to use it then you probably shouldnt. sorry for the derailment.
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