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Everything posted by tiborrr

  1. Sry Pieter, I'm a bit jumpy today. Didn't mean to be harsh but I hate when I get called a cheater. It's not the validator issue anymore, it's the sole fact that the result was reported by a guy who lost two positions in X4 955 rankings (KonradGT). He reported this results for this reason: Which is a bit fat lie, at best I can call it 'jumping to conclusions' without any knowing. How could we share the CPU if we were benching it simultaneously, in front of at least 50 people? The picture & the links I provided does not prove it or what? Do we need to take pictures from our chips and add a raised middle finger response to it? I'm a long term member of HWB, I have always played by the book so this is the reason why I reacted to negatively.
  2. Now what? You need less than 4 hoursto block the result but you need a whole day to hear the explanation and still do nothing about it?
  3. Go cry in the corners, crybabies. Here's the original thread: http://www.oc-lab.si/forum/viewtopic.php?p=78297#p78297 (start here and scroll down)
  4. To those who think we have the same CPU. We benched it together, side by side, we even had a little OC contest among ourselves: tiborrr (left) & Moonman (right)
  5. Hello, the score is very well valid. As you may or may not know, x86 validator has some serious issues with K10.5 chips, many of my validations made with X2 550, X3 720 or X4 955 are 'red crossed'. Please unblock it as soon as possible. Best Regards, Niko
  6. Bravo Dino, opasan rez! Danas nabavio 955 C3, nadam se, da je dobar clocker, sutra ide ispod kaskade a u petak pod azot!
  7. Dang my rankings improved! I'm at 32th place in global rankings and 12th in HW masters category. Kinda like this new algorithm Too bad my buddy alibabar lost quite a lot of points
  8. I was just checking my old scores and found out this. It was reported several times with valid reasons but it was still checked as valid by moderator http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=667015 22 Nov 2007 07:19 created Ferdinand manual online submission 15 Dec 2007 06:10 reported chavo fucks reported by user due to possible cheat (Look the window whit the 3dmark result and you read "The benchmark was not run using default settings". It's relevant to see, I don't know if this is allowed or not, but is really suspect. Thank you.) 22 Jan 2008 12:13 reported wanako reported by user due to possible cheat (The bench was not run using default settings?) 22 Jan 2008 05:23 checked (crew) o polonos checked by a moderator ()
  9. That's why I forgot to sumbit the Wprime 1024 in Phenom X4 competition I thought I had one day left so I rather benched socket-A stuff
  10. What the hell, I was the winner of first stage and still being placed second. RB, work faster (slap slap!) (the first image found by Google when searched for 'slave flogging' )
  11. LOL, how come Nemesis has 10 points at the time while I have about 2s better Pi time?
  12. Ticket ID: 482 Priority: High I submitted this 955BE score - http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=886178 - and I am not getting any HW points for it, not is it ranked. I haven\'t checked the option which makes results not count for Hwboints.\r\n\r\nI think this might be a bug.
  13. You have faster clocked chip & higher video ram frequency which is more essential than GPU speed so.... Wait a few more months
  14. Doesn't matter which BIOS is flashed to your X800GTO2 card, it's still a GTO2 no matter what BIOS is used.
  15. Ticket ID: 466 Priority: Low Please add the new CPU AMD Sempron 140: http://geizhals.at/a446681.html
  16. I've recieved another prime examble of FUBAR'ed L2 cache: http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=875223 Well, at least I got away with shear frequency
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