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Everything posted by tiborrr

  1. Someone has to has SPi1.4 source, the validator and anti-cheat could be incorporated. 1.4 vs 1.5 results are comparable, so no issue here
  2. This won't work - modern day ASUS ROG motherboards, such as Rampage Extreme, have on-board physical controls to change the FSB on-the-fly. It could be changed after the very first iteration so there wouldn't be visible descrepancies. You just need a buddy on ROG controls while you're filming We would be better off with a repaired validator of SuperPI. Could hwbot programmers fix that? All in all this is a no go.
  3. tiborrr


    Hehe, yeah Guatam. HD 4890's would not be *almost* competitive in the nature
  4. tiborrr


    ... only Movieman seems to be unaffected by XS being offline
  5. tiborrr


    Okay, i've held long enough, now it's time to slit my wrists!!111oneone
  6. What happened to team OC-Team.be // Madshimps? They have lost 3 positions in single day.
  7. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=561122 This Barton 2500+ in PiFast is waaay to fast given the circumstances (low FSB ~ low MEM speed, low CPU clock).
  8. Hi, myself & Moonman would like to have our Team Captain rights back since we are left with no captain . Team: OC-Lab2 - http://www.hwbot.org/team.do?teamId=1482 Moonman: http://www.hwbot.org/user.do?userId=6528 tiborrr: http://www.hwbot.org/user.do?userId=7258 Best Regards, N.
  9. Agree. Moderators, can you please have a look at it? Regards, N.
  10. DDR3 is a known bug in CPU-z, that's not a problem. Problem is result spreading among multiple accounts! Besides, they're irregural. All of his SuperPI results were proven faked.
  11. Can you please check this too: http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=821918 1) CPUz mem tab not shown 2) Duplicated results/system -> http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=818794 This guy (Perko) is a known cheater that got caught: http://www.oc-lab2.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=62725#p62725 Thanks, Niko
  12. No. I moved. Few hours before Moonman moved. Back to our original team, which fell apart when zbogi deleted all his results from hwbot. Now when he put them all back online, we're back aswell
  13. That's a wierd font you got there in SuperPI, buddy. You sure you aren't running this through Linux's WINE emulator? Here's a comparison between WinXP and Linux i did a while ago: http://www.oc-lab2.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1047 Note the font selection, it is default by Wine/Linux.
  14. You don't even need to flash it, RivaTuner is enough Tssk tssk tssk...
  15. Validation is not working for a year or two at least. No one at XS.org is doing anything about it AFAIK
  16. @stummerwinter: Like SuperPI and PiFast are real-life benchmarks... I just want to ease my search when finding the fastest times among AMD systems so I don't need to type in every AMD CPU out there in search window and compare my result to it.
  17. I just want a checkbox when searching to choose between Intel & AMD in SuperPI 1/32/PiF, so i know, where i stand on AMD rankings
  18. Thank you once again, guys. All issues solved i guess Best Regards, Niko
  19. Well, it was worth the shot Then how about adding the checkbox when searching e.g. SuperPI 1M benchmark results to return Intel or AMD only?
  20. Oh, and another complain, same problem as before - the moderator has flagged this result due to 'bench setting not shown' reason: http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=633100
  21. I would like to inform everybody about this old score of mine which i found it was blocked (the good side of this new GUI): http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=721944 The result was blocked due to the fact that benchmark resolution was not shown. It's the FREE version of 3DMark03 which means it's not possible to change the benchmark options (resolution, IQ, ...). Because of this i think this score is perfectly legit.
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