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Everything posted by M.Beier

  1. Odd but interesting thread! I recall back with sandy, Cinebench wasnt that much of a thing, I think the picture will look much different if lets say 32M was the bench? That bench pretty much everyone used back then, and also now Oh and the depression that a mobo or PSU killed my 2700K chip (NickShih binned), it did much much higher on daily watercooling
  2. Mobo used to test: ASUS STRIX Z270G R.O.G. Cooling: EKWB Supreme HF Nickel Full Cu, custom watercooling - not overkill... L643G337 VID: 1.152 Not delidded 5000/4500/3600 1.235V BIOS (cpu-z @ 1.226V) ASUS has a LOT of work with Z270G STRIX, either that or this CPU is odd.... My SA is set to 1.3V to boot with 3466 on A1+B1, A2+B2 = 3600 same settings, but higher is not happening, and it won't boot most of the time.. CPU does 5200/4900/xxxx @ 1.39v 5100(4900, AVX offset)/4500/3200 @ 1.31V P95 8-8 ~ 89 to 93C I think this chip deserves a delid And I got lucky in the ram-draw as well... It IS the mobo, likely the BIOS, that is holding me back Ram @ 3400 16-16-16-36 3466 is max stable for booting, higher it wont boot most of the time.. This it can do at 11-11-11.... 3200 10-10-10, fairly acceptable voltage, higher wont allow 1T on the mobo.. A tiny bit of pure madness, 9-9-9 and unacceptable high voltage...
  3. Your the man! Oh and I meant 2x 16GB, I will test both, just for the fun of it, have 2 kits at home, and 3rd waiting pickup. F4-3400C16D-32GTZ 235 Euro for 32GB D4-3400, I couldnt resist temptation. B-Die is true as for benching at the moment. What do you think of the VID part? Worth putting there or not^^
  4. Being a dick, can I suggest one more thing added? Ram modules and size. Personally I will try to see if 2x 8GB vs. 2x 16GB(sorry wasnt 2*32, lol) makes any difference to how much uncore and ram it will allow at each vgpu Finally: VID, default, I think it was Splave whom listed that on facebook, I somehow find that interesting too... If nobody else reports in, I could start a spreadsheet... Think it would make more sense Massman doing it, if he already has 35 chips listed. Will test my chip tomorrow, I became uncle a few hours ago, hence why not test the chip yet^^
  5. Sorry for barking here. Anyone made a spreadsheet of batch / volt etc...? Just got myself a L643, not tested yet.
  6. Found CPU, sorry forgot to reply.
  7. "Golden", jesus christ, you want to become Dimas of 2017? Ripping off overclockers, great start of the year mate.
  8. Looking for these 2 beauties Thinkin' 150E @ i7, 100 @ i5 What say you? If my price idea is off, let me know
  9. Here is my stand: NO SHAME on the users that bought the chip from a store listed on geizhals... If it was eBay and ES, then shame on them, thats contributing to a bad loop... But a place such as this.... Retail chip https://www.neon24.de/Intel-Core-i7-7700K-4x-420GHz-boxed-ohne-Kuehler How can a user be shamed buying from legit store and posting results of the product purchased.... No, just no.... That is going too far.... And all this fuss about 'oh this launch', who are you fooling? Intel has been doing this for years, stop acting surprised, its NOT the first time this has happend, yes, it is frustrating when signing a NDA, but blame who? BLAME INTEL and the way they treat media, powerusers... By the way; Exactly same thing happend with Ivy bridge launch, nothing new folks, in fact, when has Intel launched a CPU using same socket, and not sold the CPU in SOME stores before NDA expired, within the past 4 years - food for thoughts... Who is the bad guy? The little guy or internal Intel failure.. Who is the victim: The lads that put heck of a lot of hours into doing proper work and respect the NDA.
  10. Sadly not had the chance yet, I think I'll buy another sample, perhaps even different vendor, from a Danish store... Received the VGA return from RMA, and Im outta luck.... Will try the card on another setup one of the following days, but so far, its a dead piece of hardware, shift happens.
  11. Sadly that is true... You can get them in the stores before NDA is lifted, not first time this has happend. 5 stores on Geizhals.eu
  12. Came for the links
  13. Next one, yes... The card turned brick, VGPU went low and then next thing, no display
  14. Hi lads, I wanted to prove a point about OC bang for the bucket... 1060 3G, cheapest card, Inno3D.. Inno3D I have issues with following: 116% 0.95V GPU, afterburner simply won't seem to let me change the voltage - or.... The readings doesnt change
  15. Hi lads, I wanted to prove a point about OC bang for the bucket... 1060 3G, cheapest card, Inno3D.. Inno3D I have issues with following: 116% 0.95V GPU, afterburner simply won't seem to let me change the voltage - or.... The readings doesnt change
  16. Next project (being a dumbass), watercool 1060, vgpu and then see if I can beat the 1070 scores domestic.
  17. True, I think the Y won't be submitted, but my thought - if I do have time, next year at Computex to compete in the hwbot overclocking - mainly for the thrill.... How can I submit scores? Would I have to submit and uncheck the scores giving points? If its that simple - then no biggie. Valid point - hw access is key, atleast in the higher leagues.
  18. Good, but Trouffman is better BTW: Video temp down? Taken off, saw it earlier
  19. Is the solution by hwbot as it is now... Personally I'd prefer competing in water category if that is what I'd normally bench in, LN2 has been years, and I'd only go LN2 if vendor event or hwbot event - demo or other such, regular benching at home, I simply don't use LN2 no more.
  20. I am fully aware of HWBOTs stand on multi account, but none the less, I'd like to make a thread about it. How come it is not allowed to make multiple accounts, if not HW sharing between the accounts? Many guys, such as Leeghoofd, does reviews, reviews that does not require LN2 - these reviews are usually done with stock cooling, or watercooling... I myself have been asked many times to review, due not enough time I've declined, but will pick up just before christmas... I'd like to use one account for watercooling, review scores - and another for the seldom occation of LN2 - the hardware that will be used will not be the same, perhaps with SSD/PSU/monitor as exception. I won't do it and get banned, but I'd like to use this thread to argue that HWBOT might consider opening the window... Thanks you for taking the time to read the thread, Cheers.
  21. Fixed that for you.
  22. I guess some also appreciate the mouse in BIOS...
  23. Scores are significantly improved from windows update, didnt you know?
  24. Yay, thats really good news, and makes it a lot easier as for VAT and import taxes.
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