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Everything posted by Rauf

  1. Rauf

    Rauf’s OC gear sale

    SSD's and gtx 480 sold
  2. Rauf

    Rauf’s OC gear sale

    Not for sale
  3. https://pb380-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/t_bergstrom_pob_se/EeWyEf9Sao5NpducLbM3wZcBLEqwWEOXUQFfym58QGYVPg?e=6zd9NQ Try this, everything I have for Galax 980Ti. I had both V1 and V2 (GOC) so I know you can make it work with those files.
  4. Up for sale: Kingpin venom. Insulated top. Excellent pot, used many times but in good condition. – 170€ Kingpin slims. Barely used. Insulated – 150€ each Gigabyte SOC GTX 480. Excellent card, has proper LN2 bios and software voltage control! Good clocker, only played this card once or twice and did not push hard at all, only enough to get all the golden legacy cups at the time. Vaseline on card. Not delidded. Have retail box if you want, but shipping will be more expensive. – 100€ Just some old shitty GPUs. Never benched them. 1x XFX 5870, 1x Gigabyte GTX 460, 1x Leadtec 9800GT – All three – 100€ Pack of three SSDs: 180, 120, 120GB. All intel, only used for benching. Maybe I’ll include some OS’s also – 100€ Shipping not included. Prefer bank transfer.
  5. Rev 7 was published way too soon. This site is just a mess now. Imagine trying to understand how the points and rankings works for a newcomer... Just kill off the points system. Make it a pure database. Competitive overclocking is dead anyway.
  6. Great score. Interesting that you can get wr points twice now.
  7. @avalanche @ozzie You say that as if it's a good thing. It's not, and it's totally unnecessary! Look at the uat, based on the current uat there are good points for 3 and 4way setups even for 3d05, 3d03 and all modern 3d. It's not even officially supported anymore and the cost is extreme. What sense is there to bench 3way? I say remove globals and wr points for everything above 2way. And create gpu categories so that lower end gpus can be benched for globals, just like cpus.
  8. And it's basically uat or what? So even more pay to win with 7980XE and titan V and sli configs?......
  9. New rankings? Any info?
  10. Nice! But you need a better cpu and higher volts!
  11. Just check gpu score in FS and TS.
  12. Titan V needs to be banned from hwbot.
  13. Thanks! Btw, seems aqua has a 1000fps limit
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