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Everything posted by Rauf

  1. You're on win7 right? If I remember correctly you just shut it down and restart it. This issue is only for win7, not win8 or 10.
  2. You can always have a new vote if the first one was wrong, right Britain?
  3. If 49 people can get the same GFP-score, is it really worth that many points? Also, you misunderstand a bit. They would not share the first place points only. But all points from 1-49 would be shared equally for all 49 people.
  4. Exactly this. With the new points system the base points will automatically be the same I guess, but in case of a top score there will be some kind of bonus points? That bonus could be shared. Say we have two people who have equaled the GFP. Bonus points for both would be =(bonus for nr1+bonus for nr2)/2 With regard to the competition points it can be hard to tell which competitions will be popular. Maybe not that hard, but anyways... A better, non-subjective way would be to give points according to the size of the prize pool. Comps with both qualifier and final should give points in the qualifiers based on the total prize pool for both qualifier and final. Finals are harder to judge because some are decided very much by luck of hw draw, while others are more based on skill. Also, the number of participants is low, but average skill level high. Maybe the middle road would be for the finals to get the same amount of points as qualifier? Will be interesting to see the revised R7 ideas!
  5. I thought about two things that I feel would be good for the upcoming adjustment to the points system: 1. Shared score = shared points. No more 742 XTU… Also good because it can be strategic not be beat someones score sometimes if you equal it. And some benchmarks like aquamark and XTU tend to give the same amount of points very often. 2. Points for competitions are very imbalanced. 50 for winning a whole competition (most competitions) is way too low. Even competitions that are very difficult to win, like Asus or country cup, gives you 50 points. These comps should be 100 points, very small competitions can still be 50 points. And then we have the G.Skill comp. The qualifier gave 100 points and that is too low for the level of competition. Should be 150. And then the final gave 250 points! That’s way too much. I think 100 is about right. If you are going to give points to both qualifier and final the qualifier should get the most points. The finals are all about the money
  6. Very nice! But what about voltage? How high can they go?
  7. Another rule that was added has gone by unnoticed: Sys-pic has to show memory module clearly. So i guess all results will be removed because they have fans covering the memory. What about ln2 pots on memory, is that ok?
  8. I thought we were discussing the cpu-tab in the screenshot. Not the screenshot itself. We all saw what happened in challenger round 1... You did not answer why the cpu-tab is needed for mem oc?
  9. Yes, but what is the point of cpu tab? Many habe already submitted without it
  10. @websmile I don't agree with you there. Hwbot is working hard to attract new overclockers. But in many competitions there are some stages where you have to be a veteran to even be able to guess the rules...
  11. In vintage category, Memory Clock DDR1. It says: "This stage requires 3 submissions from different users!" All other mem-freq. stages require only 1 submission. Is this correct? It seems strange because you can not have three different types of hardware... And also the usual questions for all mem frequency stages: Any difference in frequency allowed between screenshot and validation? There are no specific rules so I assume XOC is ok in validation and we don't have to show SPD in screenshot? What do we have to show in screen, only mem tab?
  12. Great cpu, but too expensive for me...
  13. I happens when you bench in a very humid environment. Try insulating all around the mems better.
  14. Lol, this has belonged to me as well Decent cpu, but price is way off...
  15. Finally had time to test the board at home! Took it for a quick spin to test out mem OC. This was about max on air. Only set the primaries so far. :nana:
  16. Well, 2800 6-10-6 with no cbb or cb would be ideal. Stable enough for xtu and geekbench. But also not looking to spend too much. PM with what you would be willing to sell and how much.
  17. I'm interested in some decent LN2-tested powerchip mems.
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